more Bucks taken than Antlerless .... its now been 3 years since Ive killed a Doe .... I am seeing more bucks during the season than Does on the state land I hunt (is that really a good thing ?)... Ive talked to others there that also wonder that, where are all the Does on the place ?? ... I cant go by this new data system on the state properties. I cant find ANY accurate 'data' about state/public lands (other than the State park hunts) that breaks down each F&W areas/preserves, etc like they used to have on the year end reports .... looking at what the DNR has for the 3 counties of the "public" land/F&W area it now shows OVER 400 deer being taken off that one "public"/F&W area .... THAT is impossible ...

Last edited by Jeff Valovich; 01/01/2023 12:50 PM.

"Liberalism is a mental disorder"