I thought this was kind of interesting. Saw pics of this little 4x4 buck in June with most of his right beam dangling. Couldn't tell if it was broken or just growing in the wrong direction. In the 6/27 pic you can see the dropping beam on his right side with two tines curling at their tips. Then in the 7/07 pic, the same beam is missing entirely, above the brow. Not really sure but possible he had a crash of some kind, injuring the rack. Seems kinda rare for this to happen, from what I've seen in the past. From my understanding they're usually real careful with their antlers while in velvet, and so they don't fight or spar or rub trees until the velvet sheds and the antlers are hard.
Re: Broke His Rack in Velvet
[Re: sticksender]
#49709 07/24/202209:52 AM07/24/202209:52 AM
Hard to say. That area is a good way from roads though, so maybe not. I could maybe see him crashing in to something while being chased by dogs or coyotes. One benefit is he probably won’t be shot by anybody this fall as a half rack.
Re: Broke His Rack in Velvet
[Re: sticksender]
#49711 07/24/202204:54 PM07/24/202204:54 PM
Put that little guy on a F&W area around here and he'd get nailed even with than busted rack ... he could be a good one in a few years .. prolly happened when running, hit a tree hard or got it hung up accidently and with it being soft, easy to bust ..
"Liberalism is a mental disorder"
Re: Broke His Rack in Velvet
[Re: sticksender]
#49720 08/27/202207:28 AM08/27/202207:28 AM
Unfortunately no, this is looking like one of the weaker years in some time, here on the farm. The only hope is for something big to show up once the acorns start falling, or maybe once the rut kicks in. Neighbors a few miles down the road are seeing a few decent ones....maybe they'll migrate my way
Re: Broke His Rack in Velvet
[Re: sticksender]
#49728 09/06/202206:37 AM09/06/202206:37 AM
Update about the little broke-rack buck. So far, he made it through the hunting seasons. I've seen him chasing does several times in the past weeks and recently got a video.
Final update on the broke-beam buck is that he made it through all the hunting seasons. And now both shed antlers have turned up. Thought I might possibly find the good side, but the other side being so small, I figured little chance of finding it. The two sides were about a half-mile apart.
Re: Broke His Rack in Velvet
[Re: sticksender]
#49867 02/26/202309:10 PM02/26/202309:10 PM
Thought I'd resurrect this thread with an interesting follow-up. The probable 2-year-old buck, which was the topic of this thread last year, did live on and stayed around here another year. He grew a nicer rack this past summer (and he didn't break it this time). Notice the recurrence of a bend at the top of his right brow tine, and the recognizable upward-flipped beam tips. The particulars of his white nose band in winter coat also helps identify him.
I got velvet pictures of him all summer, but then nothing much after September, except on one day, Nov 5th, and then no more pics on trail cams. I never saw him once while hunting. Which was fine, since he was too immature to shoot for my liking. But after he disappeared on 11/5 I figured he was long since dead. Turns out that luckily I was wrong. I was glassing a corn field last night and there he stood, eating calmly in the waste corn stubble. Then I checked some trail cams and found his pic on one. He broke off his right g-4 but still has the 3-inch burr point flyer on the right side. Always amazing that any good looking young buck lives through the 16 rut-filled days of gun season, considering the heavy hunting pressure in the area. If he happens to be lucky enough to survive the rest of the hunting seasons, he might turn into a shooter next year.
Re: Broke His Rack in Velvet
[Re: sticksender]
#49980 12/08/202304:35 PM12/08/202304:35 PM