I wonder how may of those bucks were 1.5 yr old or spikes ?? ........ one thing I have heard from several is "Where are the Does?" ... Ive seen only 4 'does' this season on the F&W area I concentrate on (J/P).. 4 !! .... I did however see 13 bucks, two were true shooters and I had one at 17 yds and watched him walk off, a nice 10/140-150" ... but the shortage of Does has me worried .. seems like there was something a while back about low 'recruitment' into the herd .. I did end up with a 152lb 2.5 yr old buck this year(bow), last season I went deerless, first time ever since I started in 1987 bow hunting, and I saw a low number of Does then also .. talked to a guy who has put in more time there(J/P) than me this season, and he echoed my lack of doe sightings .. ...