from the DNR regs ..
Special Antlerless Firearms Season Closed for 2021-2022
In 2012, a Special Antlerless Firearms season was implemented for the first time in 74 Indiana counties in which the DNR wanted to increase antlerless harvests. The original rule opened the special season only in counties that had county bonus antlerless quotas (CBAQs) of four or more. The special season ultimately had little effect on annual antlerless harvests. As DNR’s deer management strategy shifted, CBAQs were gradually lowered across the state; therefore, fewer counties had CBAQs high enough to be included in the special season.
In 2019, an outbreak of epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD) across southern Indiana led to an emergency rule change that lowered all CBAQs to two or fewer. The 19 counties that had CBAQs of four prior to the EHD outbreak were left open to the special season. In 2020, no counties had CBAQs of four, and none were to be open for the special season under the original rule language; however, DNR had conducted an analysis to examine deer hunters’ opinions of the special season and its effects on harvest (2019 Indiana White-tailed Deer Report). Survey responses indicated most hunters liked the special season, and the season was projected to increase antlerless harvest between 6 and 7% across the state. Because of this, a temporary rule change was issued for the 2020-2021 hunting season that opened the Special Antlerless Firearms season statewide, except in Benton and Tipton counties.
After the 2020-2021 Special Antlerless Firearms season, DNR analyzed harvest data from the CheckIN Game system and responses to the special preseason survey and the Deer Management Survey. A complete report of these analyses is in the 2020 Indiana White-tailed Deer Report ( Of respondents to the Deer Management Survey, 43% supported the Special Antlerless Firearms season; 27% opposed it; 24% participated in the season in 2020-2021; and 22% of participants were successful during the season. A total of 5,065 deer were harvested during the 2020-2021 Special Antlerless Firearms season, accounting for 8.8% of the total antlerless harvest in all 2020-2021 deer seasons.
No counties have CBAQs of four or more for the 2021-2022 deer season. Per the original rule language, this means that no counties will be open for the Special Antlerless Firearms season. After reviewing hunter survey data and noting substantial opposition to the season, DNR determined that the original rule should be left unamended for the 2021-2022 deer season. Until a county has a CBAQ high enough to qualify for the season, the Special Antlerless Firearms season will remain closed statewide.