Originally Posted by Jeff Valovich
My complaint.. this is THE worse season up to this point that I can remember that Ive had 39 yrs deer hunting .... I'm glad some have killed some nice critters, but its been tough for me ... I guess I really shouldnt complain, Ive had some good years on the state area(s) Ive hunted and killed some good deer... ... the pressure has been unbelieveable on the place this season.. guys setting up by me, got pics of them walking ON DEER TRAILS and thru funnels, hunting trees that are absolutely wrong for that spot as was the wind on that day ...then the funnel/bottleneck goes dead !! ... never had this out there before ... this is what high pressure F&W areas are like ... I'll post pics later of 'em if I can get them to size ...

Ive seen buck's and Does, had 5 small bucks within 20 yds, to small for me, same for Does/fawns... I refuse to kill small baby deer, so I pass and enjoy the show ....,... right now, I'd be happy with a 1.5yr old doe .... the season aint over yet, so I'll keep at it and I refuse to give up ....

Public land hunting seems to be booming now with some extra attention from youtube shows...more guys with time on their hands and lots of other stuff closed down too. License sales and harvest way up. 2020 looks be on track for a record year for deer like it was for turkey