Yes...I have seen them in use...the guy that normally was a gun hunter that hunts across the creek next to me.....normally he would only have hunted the gun/ml he is out in archery/urban...ok, his right to do so...even though I would rather see him with archery gear....he had killed two does with it that crossed the creek that came off of my lease...that is two does I 'prolly passed that he killed. I'm sure this happens in many areas of the state....with many different weapons....but, isnt the idea to try to save does in areas where the numbers have plummeted? There are BOWhunters that dont like guns....there are gun hunters that dont like bows....I believe they(crossbows) are a tool and an effective one, but dont tell me they are the same as a bow....they are way to easy for joe blow to use....we could go on for ever on this..I'm done with the crossbow crap....lets concentrate on the DNR/the loss of deer mumbers and educating people that deer are not a endless commodity even though they are a renewable there is a conundrum....

"Liberalism is a mental disorder"