These 10 pointers just keep coming to this stand, but I ain't complaining! Friday 11/8, a beautiful morning had a beautiful ending. I watched this buck come my way from 300 yards out, only to turn away 50 yards from my tree. He was grunting the entire time, obviously feeling the effects of the season. I gave him a couple grunts and snort wheeze, and he decided to come investigate. He made his way right to my tree and gave me a 10 yard broadside shot. He walked off, like nothing had happened, about 40 yards from tree before falling over. This particular stand has been an archery hot spot for me , with my last 3 bucks coming from that spot.

(arrow in pic is leaning against the fence, not stuck in the deer)

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From Indianapolis, IN
Live in Independence, KY
Hunt in Vevay, IN