here's the story on the hit, sometimes luck comes into play .. there is no thing as a 'give me' shot either ... he came out of the marsh to my north, going to the west, my right to left.. I have a well worked scrape to my north 30 yd'ish away .. he looked like a bull walking to it, huge chest, swollen neck, etc ... he started pawing it, broadside, should be a 'give me' in a perfect world for me, I came to full draw, at the release he turned to face me to work the branch, all in a mili second as I released, the arrow on its way .... I hit him full frontal (great for elk at times) .. the 28" 427 gr Goldtip Velocity XT with a Wac Em 4 blade went in 3/4 way, the Nocturnal nock shining red ... he turned and ran towards north/NE to the marsh past the tree where I killed the 139" 8 pt in 2016 ... I lost site of him in the cattails/tall marsh grass .......... I'm thinking crap, crap crap !! ... since I hunt in a bow only area and you must take your stand in and out every hunt, I took my time taking the stand/sticks down and put it all on my back .... I walked over to the scrape, at 5 yds there was a HUGE spray of blood ... it was like that for the 150 yds he ran on a well used deer trail thru the marsh/water,etc.... Freddy Krueger would have been proud !! .. he sprayed the tops of the grass and cattails to 6 ft !! .. a blind man could follow this trail .. it was a muddy, wet mess the whole way, blood covered .. I could smell him before I saw him, all musky and such and such a great odor it is too ;0) .. .... my first thought was, crap, how am I going to get him out of here ... to my advantage (?) he went down where the water ends on soft/muddy ground as he left the wetter stuff ... ..... upon dressing him, the BH sheared off the top of the aorta and went between the lungs doing a lot of damage, I found the back half of the arrow/lighted nock while trailing, never did find the front portion, even after searching the innards and such .. then the fun began .... ;0)

"Liberalism is a mental disorder"