Killed a 205 lb FD 8 pt yesterday on State land (F&W area) (Oct. 25th)... he went down waaaay back in a marsh, took me 6 hours to get him out by myself, he destroyed my deer cart !! .... lol ... ... only went 150 yds, but about a half mile drag/cart to be able to get him loaded up on the SUV hitch carrier, the drag and cart was unbelieveable !! .. hit him at 5:44 CDT, got him loaded at 12:20 AM ...... Wac 'Em 4 blade, sheered off the top of the aorta, sprayed like crazy ... thank goodness I'm healthy and in shape ... very hard to get him out .... my worst drag/extraction ever !! ..... I hunted the AM (4.5 hrs) and then the PM (4.25 hrs) two different locations , I was up for 25 hrs straight ... I worked 4-12 Thurs. night, only a 1.5 hr lay down prior to getting up and getting ready and hunting, it was 2Am by the time I got him hung in the garage... one heck of a DYI hunt ...

Last edited by Jeff Valovich; 10/26/2019 05:12 PM.

"Liberalism is a mental disorder"