Had some good fortune bowhunting for Moose in the NWT of Canada last week. This was in an area where you are flown in to a remote base camp, then set off from there to a spike camp several miles out into the bush. There were 8 hunters in camp, 3 of them bowhunters. We were the first moose hunting group of the year, and this outfitter had over 6000 square miles of exclusive territory for us to hunt. We all saw a ton of moose, as they seemed to be out cruising most of the day in search of cows, but not yet truly in the peak of the rut. Saw several jaw-droppers that were quite a bit bigger than the one I took. But it was tough to get close enough for a bow shot, as it was very dry, and the moose were mostly hanging out in dense willow thickets. So tough to ease through that stuff without making a lot of noise. The moose however, in spite of their huge bodies, didn't seem to have any trouble slipping through it at all ;-)

Finally on the 3rd day of hunting got to within 40 yards of a decent bull and made the shot count. He only went about 75 yards.

These bulls in this area fall just within the eastern edge of the territory that is considered to be Alaska-Yukon moose. They definitely have the huge bodies that you expect for that species. I'd say we packed out roughly 450 lbs of boned-out meat by the time it was all said & done.

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