The hunt was so much fun, exhausting, but fun.

We ended up calling in 3 coyotes, 1 double and 1 single. We also called in 1 fox. The double and the fox were both on gumbootbill's farm. Thanks, Bill!

We never got a clean shot at any of the animals.

Friday we hunted from 6pm to 3am Saturday morning. Got up at 7am and hunted until 9pm when it started blowing snow and our night vision was useless. We got a few hours of sleep to let the snow blow through and got back out at 4am to get some more dark hunting in. We hunted until about noon on Sunday. 42 hours of running and gunning with about 9 hours of sleep total.

We did not call in an animal in daylight, so if we do it again, we will probably devote all our time to night hunting and sleep during the day. I have some video of the single coyote we called in, will upload later.

We went ahead and went to the check in just to see what everyone brought in. In total, 49 teams killed 92 coyotes and 6 fox. One team killed 18! The team that won only killed 3 coyotes, but also had 2 fox. Their 3 coyotes weighed something like 120lb total, big dogs.

My dad and I definitely learned a lot. Not only about night calling, but also about the new equipment we were using.

From Indianapolis, IN
Live in Independence, KY
Hunt in Vevay, IN