Of course not, but trying to kill off all deer in an area dosnt seem to work, hell, the prions are still in the soil arnt they, so any surviving deer or those that come back have a chance of becoming infected ........ how do you know a deer is CWD infected, by testing, of if it looks sick..... so is mandatory testing needed, who is going to pay for it ? .... ... the comments from those who live in areas where CWD first raised its head is that they have lived with it for eons, without knowing it was even there and before it became a catch phrase .... those that live in areas now with it have seen the damage done by the DNR to the deer herds .... but I as of yet havnt seen squat what our DNR's respone actually will be.... if it is kill off all the deer, then I am against that 100% !!

"Liberalism is a mental disorder"