a lot Ive read has said it is here now, and has always been here, it will be the testing that shows it .... there are those that say thousands if not tens of thousands have already consumed deer that were infected but not showing signs .... many say the prions have been in the soil for ages, esp. the western states and in the heavily infected ares of Wisconsin and Illinois .... .... it seems no one has an answer that is acceptable to all .... what it comes down to is the biologists and deer experts just dont know... the above PDF is a good read, but how accurate are those guys ?? .... I hope to god our DNR dosnt do a knee jerk reaction and try to kill off every existing deer in a given area/county/counties, is THAT combating it ?? ...... to me, THAT is unacceptable and it hasnt worked where it was tried .... look at the Western states, many living there have lived in and consumed the meat from deer, and elk in areas that have had it in the soil for 50 years or more ..... there still hasnt been a cross over to humans .... you have a better chance of dying from cancer or an auto crash than CWD .... and again, I STILL havnt heard squat about exactly WHAT our DNR game plan is when it shows up in testing and that is what I despise about our DNR.... silence !!

Last edited by Jeff Valovich; 01/02/2019 12:16 AM.

"Liberalism is a mental disorder"