I went to the Lone Wolf Alpha II and 4 sticks back in 2012 .. I got 'em for a State Park Hunt so I could be mobile and not have to prehang a stand.. Now I use the system on the State lands exclusively since I am no longer on private leasing .... I put Stealth Strips on the sticks to quiet them, I replaced the straps on the sticks with 8mm climbing rope (black), I have extension's for the stand straps so I can go into larger tree's, same reason for going to the rope on the sticks, I have them 7 ft and 9 ft long, 9 ft for the bottom sticks, 7 ft for the top 2 so I can go up larger trees than any climbing stand can ... I also remade my climbing/limemans rope(12 mm) using a Ropeman 1 Ascender and aluminum carabiners and went to 10 ft length on it for larger trees ... for easy of packing, the sticks are layed flat and I use a small ratchet to hold them in place. and I also use the Game Plan Gear stand transport system to pack the stand in, this is now available thru XOP and is a MUST for ease of back packing the whole system in, however, some use the MOLLE system..... I hang the stand using the LW hook/strap so both my hands are free to do so, using my linemans rope belt for safety, which is also used when putting up the sticks as I climb .. I can go from base of tree to being in the stand in 15 minutes... I dont rush, every thing has its place and I am very methodical when I go up, I can do it blind folded ....

I get to the base of the tree, take the stand off my back, take the clothes off the stand which are bungeed on, I use a large fanny pack with good side pockets for easy access to the stand straps and hook when I get up, that is strapped on the stand when walking out to the location... I put it on as I need it to attach my linemans rope to... I set the lower stick, each one goes lower leg length apart (sole of boot to knee), I can easily get to 18-21 ft as I am 6-2 with long legs....I get up on that stick, put my linemans rope around the tree and set the second stick....... I climb down and both of the other sticks are looped over my shoulders (one on each shoulder) or looped over the pockets of my fanny pack(it works for me) ....climb up and set the next two sticks always using the linemans rope for safety and to stay hands free... when I get up on the top stick, I get the stand strap with the hook around the tree and tighten, I then haul up the stand using a haul rope I attached to the stand while I was still on the ground, my outer clothes were then strapped on the fanny pack prior to going up. .... I hand the stand on the hook folded up(I use a small bungee to keep it folded as I hang it (like I said I have my own system I do this with), all being methodical... I then take the bungee off, set the stand and seat level as it is adjustable to do so.... I then attach the other 2 straps to the stand and tighten them ..... my bow rope which was attached to the bow and my fanny is the hooked on to the stand cable so I can pull it up when I start to settle in..... once the stand is ready, I climb on, attach my tree rope over head, hook on my harness strap, and settle in getting every thing in its place and haul up my bow... I am done and hunting or waiting for shooting light at that point .. 15 minutes from start ... I like this system, I can hunt more locations and trees than anyone can with a climber which allows me to hunt more areas ... why look for a tree for a climber which may not even be close to where you need to be...... I can go up tree's that are 30" in diameter... climbers can never do that, and I can go up trees with larger lower branches .... I still have my Muddy Stalker climber, but it is only of those ideal trees/locations, which are few and far in between where I hunt.. I now have over 40 locations on 9000 acres I can get up and get into

Last edited by Jeff Valovich; 08/09/2018 11:54 AM.

"Liberalism is a mental disorder"