If I'm fish'n and its legal size, its going to get filleted ;0) .... I fish to eat, I hunt to enjoy nature, not to kill every legal deer I see. I dont shoot every deer I see or get in range...if I did I'd fill every tag for that county. ..I dont and wont ....When some hilljack see's that he can take 20 deer, many suppose there is a reason the DNR wants 'em all killed off ...this goes back to specific areas where deer do need to be hit hard, like Bloomington, the State Parks, and certain other cities and towns, but not a whole county...I have yet to see what the reduction zones will be like this year, I do hope they scale back and get more localized. I always have supported and will continue to support reduction WHERE NEEDED.... I can remember when I started the urban hunts in Beverly Shores(20 yrs a go), the goal was to reduce the herd which we did, the habitat like the state parks have made a great come back, but deer are now very hard to see and find, combine the National Lakeshore sharpshooters, and your lucky to see deer north of HWY 20.....I dont want the whole state to get like that....when you have a guy next to your property and he kills every thing he see's, it then effects you, esp. when he wont listen to reason... when is enough enough ?

"Liberalism is a mental disorder"