Originally posted by Jeff Valovich:
You keep saying that and the herd keeps shrinking....there are areas that could use a good reduction(Bloomington), but not my WHOLE F'N COUNTY !!
Yes he does and he is right... If you would look five feet past your nose you would understand that there is more to the deer numbers than just hunters...

How many hunters in Indiana kill 3 or more deer in a giving year?... I know it was posted once here and the number was so small that it was pretty much negligible...

So what if you could kill ten deer there... If you don't have ten deer to kill, then it wouldn't matter now would it... You can only take what is there and if isn't there then no one is taking it then...

Jeff your problem is is that you can't look past a number and you think if they would drop that number by one it would make some sort of difference WHEN IT WON'T... :rolleyes: smh