Ok, I have a response from DNR legal counsel that I am intending to ask him for permission to share with others. If I get that, I will post the responses here. Additionally, while I still have a few questions for the DNR, I believe some of the data provided appears to indicate that the process has not been quite as thorough as it likely should have been. But, we will see. Also, there is a next step, beyond this issue and this position and process is seemingly setting up a precedent that is both interesting and troubling. Anyone out there want to use any other type of weapon to deer hunt then what is approved today or proposed in the new rule? If so, private email me what that weapon is. The question might be an inconsistency in application of process and possible inadequacy of due diligence since there appears to have been a reliance on information from other states but a lack of application of circumstance from one state to another as it relates to how Indiana would then apply the information to this recommendation.

"Fishing is like a one night stand, unless you're fly fishing, then you've encountered the romance of your life"