Sorry I didn't clarify. I was referring to the public petitions.

#1. The use of higher power rifles instead of just pistol cartridges. With the current laws you can reach out to 150yds if you are good and 100 yds pretty easily. I know they are legal in other states, but I feel hunter safety is at risk.

#5. Baiting. This one is self explanatory. Deer who are fed on a regular basis can easily be conditioned. The current laws already allow supplements as long as they are removed 10 days prior to the season. If someone needs more than that, just go to world class whitetails of ohio and shoot a 200" zoo deer and call it a day.

This is just my opinion and I respect others differences. I'm not trying to stir the pot or hijack this thread into a debate. Just giving an opinion. God knows there are enough threads on here where hunters are ready to go to blows over deer. I'm basically just agreeing with Delaney.