Not sure what your calling BS on but I know what I see everyday driving home. I stated that the numbers were probably down some BUT not to the level u stated which was can't even see a deer in the field. Isn't the point to reduce the numbers to an acceptable level so that everyone involved is satisfied? Not everyone wants 100's of deer around. Hunters aren't the only ones with a say in this. Farmers, drivers and yes insurance companies, like it or not, have a stake in this situation.

The cut off is whatever all the stakeholders have agreed to. No where did I say anything about being an "executioner" I'm truly happy u r a "conservationist" try not to be a "ethnocentric".

We certainly are not killing em all but making the statement that when "I leave u can kill em all cause I will be on a bigger and better lease" doesn't show the values of a conservationist. Like I said I simply do not agree with your statement about the numbers of deer in this area. I'm not attacking you just saying I don't agree. If I was going to attack you I would say something like, I'm tired of people that live in Chesterton coming to Jackson Township and leasing up land! Lol it was a joke Jeff!

life is over when your dead until then you have more pain in store so take it like a man and give some back!