Countryboy...I call BS on much of what you say, there will be some roadkills for sure.... maybe your lucky enough to have a little honey hole, good for you, but kill off enough Does and you see your overall numbers plummet ....there is no doubting the fact that numbers of deer are falling.... and that is a fact and our head biologist even admits it...the problem lays is just how much does the DNR want the herd to dwindle > where is the cut off ? I'm a conservationist...not an executioner ..... If I'm back on the property that Ive leased for 17 years come 2014...Does are off limits until I start seeing an increase in numbers....a buddy of mine has done the same thing just down the road.......if I dont get the property back, you guys can kill 'em all, I wont care 'cause I'll have a bigger and better lease where there are deer and I can once again control what gets killed....I sick of neighbors killing everything that moves....never could stand the "if it's brown it's down" crowd .....

"Liberalism is a mental disorder"