My neighbors r the ones that own the 60 acres. Doesn't matter if u think it's to many or not. I simply disagree with your statement that u can drive around and not see any deer in the fields and that we don't have any deer. I disagree with u based on what I see everyday from my car window, my kitchen window and my neighbors success and observations on their land. As well as my on success on land in the area and other peoples success on harvesting deer. If in fact the deer numbers r down(certainly not to the level you claim) I'm kind of glad because I've hit two, or I should say I've had two run into the side of my car. Many more have come close. I routinely see deer hit and rotting on side of road. It's not the deer's fault and I'm not saying it's right but this county is no longer a rural area it's a suburb. I don't like it but that's what it is. If the DNR along with input from all the stakeholders have agreed to an acceptable number that benefits all parties (which is what I believe they have done) then it's a solid plan.

life is over when your dead until then you have more pain in store so take it like a man and give some back!