For the guys that have had deer, will likely always have deer, and see no problems. So, if it doesn't affect them, then its not a big deal, For the guys that hunt areas where deer numbers were marginal at best, they are probably taking a beating now. I've seen it for 10 years where I hunt.
I know its difficult Ito mange less than a county, especially when 1/2 of a county has tons of pressure, and no deer, but yet farmers are getting depredation permits on the north 1/2 of the county, because the 4 or 5 deer in their patch woods have caused $500.00 worth of damage.

Its all an easy fix, just by reducing the number of permits. Hopefully, that will happen after the numbers come in. But, one thing I agree with Dew on, is you better go to some one higher than the DNR if you have serious concerns. And, you better do it now, because the # of permits that they will allow for next year will already be decided BEFORE we as hunters get to see the harvest numbers.

Nothing short of going to an "A" county, or even a "0" for a year will help the deer in Rush County. And THAT will never happen. Sad when I brought my 22 year old son up deer hunting, and he hasn't been in 6 years. I can't blame him, for not wanting to sit for countless hours and not see a deer. If I wasn't so hard headed, I'd quit a long time ago too!