60 acres and 5 deer is over kill IMO...how many have your neighbors killed ? Deer travel a heck of a lot more than just 60 acres....The deer in and around the Nat. Lake Shore and the State Park WILL NOT repopulate an area 5-7 miles away from there. Not even 3 miles outside their boundries.....this is a proven fact....Deer vehicle collisions are down state wide by 10-12 %(another indicator)and have been dropping for several years....... Not as many show up in the papers either....very few this year in the Chesterton Tribune....There is way more land hunted around N. Porter County than you think....Numbers dont lie....even though the antlerless kill is up(cause of crossbows and antlerless tags/urban zone)the buck kill is down....and that means a declining herd....down 120 bucks from 2010 to 2012...that is quite a few bucks in this county...we dont have a lot of habitat as the southern counties have. Esp. North of US 30....The Nat. Park and State park notwithstanding...

"Liberalism is a mental disorder"