Shoot all the does you want as Brew continues to advertise this DNR "over the top" deer reduction opportunity. The sooner we get "bottom of the barrel" low in deer #'s.....the sooner and more VERY LOUD complaining from deer hunters will come flooding in.......and the sooner and more confident approach the IDNR will take and have "grounds to stand on" as they shorten our gun seasons to help "medicate" the issue of complaints.

The sad part of this we were headed towards lower #'s anyways with either Prop #1 or Prop# least Prop # 1 considered having more Quality Deer left in the field to hunt with that approach. Pretty cool how the IDNR's first choice was to still want to retain Quality or even enhance it as the #'s started to fall to help keep sportsmen interested in deer hunting.......but "Joe Six Pack" hunter voted that well thought out plan off the table, and just thought about "themselves" and "today".......and in turn sacrificed a pretty cool plan the IDNR still calls their "first choice" known as Prop #1.

Prepare to circle back to that Prop # 1 gang....."joe six pack's" plan is backfiring "Big Time" ......and hunters are getting sick of what they are seeing already.

Don't write Chad Stewart and complain.....write your Legislators!!! Do it now as how this season is still fresh on your minds. Alot of us up North have already started these letters of complaint....and from the responses we are getting....we are NOT the minority any more.

Time to "pile on" and let your Legislators know we are Fed Up with goofball deer reduction plans forced upon our IDNR. Second choices they are forced into are NEVER as good as well thought out First Choices they had and wanted to roll out.

Keep encouraging/advertising the killing of doe opps we have Brew..... You are the perfect "horn" pun intended. LOL...

Write your Legislators gang......tell them your sick of this.....and roll back those guns....

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"Never argue with an idiot.....they will beat you with experience every time"