Dont participate !! Save whats left our our deer herd.... the over abundance and the lack of reserve by some is leading us to a huge herd population decline....buck kills have drastically dropped and the antlerless kill has sky rocketed, combine that with some counties hit by massive EHD die off's the herd is declining and the over use of these tags are leading us farther down the road... yes, I'm a Doe, save the herd....the DNR is at fault by the issuance of these tags and hunters are buying into it, its all about money and killing off the deer due to influence from insurance lobbyists and farm groups.....Last year, Chad Stewart(our wonderful Head Deer Biologist...cough!cough!) stated the dropping buck kill shows our herd is in decline. It has been dropping for several years now...That OBR is sure saving some bucks 'eh...NOT !! I feel it is worse in many areas than the DNR knows or will admit do the herd a favor and dont participate .....

"Liberalism is a mental disorder"