10/23/2005 06:18 PM
10/23/2005 06:18 PM
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Ok, after the last time we did this there is some thought that the "POLL" was pulled by someone other than the one who posted it........ SO, Ill post the question and let it run just to prove a point if nothing else....
SO with that in mind should straight wall rifles be allowed for deer hunting in Indiana
Life is hard. Its even harder If your stupid! John Wayne.
10/24/2005 05:28 PM
10/24/2005 05:28 PM
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gotta be more out therewith an opinion than that.... Im not asking for this thread to degenerate like the last one...... Just asking for your vote and to show that no one here pulled the poll the last time it was offered up........... Yea I got a point to prove.
Life is hard. Its even harder If your stupid! John Wayne.
10/27/2005 09:54 AM
10/27/2005 09:54 AM
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I would like to hear some reasons that people are for or against it. I wouldn't want a big argument over the matter or anything but just honest opinions to help people become more educated on this topic. The reason I ask this is because before I really didn't see the difference why some was for and some against x-bow hunting but after reading some very good opinions about it, I was able to form my own educated opinion. There may be some really good reasons that rifles shouldn't be allowed in Indiana that most are over looking. I am not saying that I am for or against it but I would like to hear everyone’s thoughts on it so I can better decide what I think. Please post your thoughts and opinions and try respect everyone for theirs.
The American Indians found out what happens when you don't control immigration.
10/27/2005 10:56 AM
10/27/2005 10:56 AM
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I WOULD LIKE TO think rifles should be allowed on a limited basis. Due to the fact that much of the state is fairly crowded (and flat) I'd hope for common sense rules. Some areas may not be suitable at all due to high population density. I am not sure it's NEEDED in most areas of the state. I have shot several deer - and it didn't require a rifle because the ranges are not long. I would be afraid of slobs taking risky shots and wounding animals too - I realize that that probably happens in rifle states, not sure the makes it ok though. Finally, the REALITY of several opening day mornings and hearing 3 or 4 idiots shooting their shotguns 30 45 minutes prior to legal shooting shows me that I can't trust a lot of people with a rifle. NOTE - Of course that doesn't apply to members of this forum. I expect we're all a bit better than that! However, we unfortunately all end up getting penalized. Since I am big on "rights" and freedom I would support it if I ever got a chance. HOWEVER, I sure as heck would NOT be in the Deer woods on opening weekend because I'd fear for my life! Do I sound like I have mixed feelings? I do! Jay
If it flies it dies!
10/30/2005 05:21 AM
10/30/2005 05:21 AM
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Not going to happen this year guys. The sponsor of the proposal did not show up at the last meeting of the summer study group and the administrative rules package for this year does not include this. The Director it appears has the authority to make this happen without going to the legislature but must do it through an administrative rules change. Maybe next year if there is enough support.
There's a reason I like dogs better'n people... .
11/01/2005 07:20 AM
11/01/2005 07:20 AM
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His Honor, The Chief Justice
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Hey Folks! I'm new here and am from Wisconsin. For all the time I have spent in Indiana, I have yet to hunt there, the only reaason being lack of opportunity and nothing else. With that stated, I am in a major quandry as to the restrictions that your state places on firearms that can be used. Smoke poles and smooth bores over a decade back were indeed much safer in an area where you may run into homes just the other side of the trees behind that deer thats 75 to 100 yds away, but today, forget it. Now I'm not bragging But I have taken and fired 5 Brenneke slugs out of my 24 inch rifled bore 870 into a connecting hole in the kill zone of a printed whitetail target at 250 yds using peep sights. The range master didnt believe it so he tried and did the same using the same ammo as I. And there are more powerful choices to be made. NOW PLEASE UNDERSTAND, I DONT BRING THIS UP TO CAUSE PROBLEMS. You see here in WI.we have zones and counties that are restricted just like your state is for the reason of saftey of the human population. Our shooting accidents tend to be mostly concentrated in the areas where it is shotgun and no rifle. This is not to say that is the cause, rather, these areas tend to be closer to metro areas and have excessive derpopulations and as such are overloaded with hunters. So it is a situation that the DNR created. and has nothing to do with the actual firearms themselves. We could sit down and research the pros and cons and keep going forever. What I wonder though is how much of the disdain for rifles is the result of tradition? Before anyone reacts lets take a look at what tradition has done for us. Look to the flag, the meaning it has, how many of you have ever been presented with the flag that dressed the casket of a spouse, parent sibling or offspring? What about the family traditions that we all carry on at holiday or birthdays, anniversaries and the like? Seems to me that Traditionsare a lot more important than that old guy in "fiddler on the roof" sung about. Give it some thought. If your answer why you want it to stay the way it is, Is because it's the way you were taught, could the real reason be because thats the way YOUR father taught you and HIS father taught him and... you know THIS is an answer that deserves a massive amount of respect, if it is the true answer.
11/01/2005 11:56 AM
11/01/2005 11:56 AM
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Chief, I think you make a valid point.
11/02/2005 04:00 PM
11/02/2005 04:00 PM
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Ok,,,I'll bite..  :rolleyes: Fishon,,,what inline .45 or shotgun are you shooting that gives you these fantastic groups at 250 yards? What load are you using? Bullet?? Powder?? AND would you agree to the straight walled cartridge rifles' use in Indiana?? Could I use my 45/70?? Do ya think you could get 250 yard accuracy with it?
Brew coffee....not tards
11/02/2005 05:17 PM
11/02/2005 05:17 PM
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DID SOMEONE STEAL MY AVATAR!???????????/lol..... DUDE Ill pay the top dollar in the land for that lead thrower and I have thrown a TON of lead.... 250 ? aint happin my friend......
Life is hard. Its even harder If your stupid! John Wayne.
11/03/2005 03:57 AM
11/03/2005 03:57 AM
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LOL...... we are bein nice Dawn........ I couldn’t type what I was really thinking.lol
250 yards with an 870 Rem and Peep sites......is Fantasy Island. (Look boss de plane! De Plane!)
I shoot Peep sites and they are as deadly as any scope provided your eyes are still in good shape. It's the distance I am having a problem with here as I use to shoot matches at those kind of distances with precision rifles and I KNOW how hard it is to get good groups out that far and with an 870 and slugs Sabots, whatever.... just don’t buy it... Somebody needs to invest in a good range finder.........
NOW BACK TO THE SUBJECT AT HAND!!!!! THIS THREAD HAS BEEN UP FOR SEVERAL DAYS! I was told by some that the ORGINAL poll was pulled because the outcome was not to the liking of "good ol boys" that run the site. EVEN THOGUH that poll was in favor of RIFLES as well. Doesn’t make sense does it. Well time for the TRUTH to come out. The only one that PULLED that poll was the poster himself..... Why do I bring all this up? WELL as I originally stated, just to prove a point that just because we don’t all agree, all are entitled to their opinions! The original RAMROD that started this whole thing went about it the wrong way and then stated the ABSURD opinion that this site was anti-gun!! That didn't set well with me. It's all in how you go about things folks. If you want to get something done use your head, you can't win people over to your side by beating them over the head endlessly with an issue and then turn to insults and accusations when they don’t agree with you...........
Gundude carefully steps off his much worn out soapbox.............
Life is hard. Its even harder If your stupid! John Wayne.
11/03/2005 06:17 AM
11/03/2005 06:17 AM
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What kind of groups are you getting?? Haven't tried the platinum tips out of my 20ga. Ultra yet. The Lightfields are working pretty good right at the moment. I may have to give some a try this summer.
Brew coffee....not tards
11/03/2005 08:42 AM
11/03/2005 08:42 AM
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Tough question. I have a 30 30 lever I'd like to use. But, I'd hate to think about guys with semi-auto .30-06s and 7mms blasting away like they do with the slug guns. At least it's hilly where I hunt. Some of those guys are nuts. I hear shooting well before daylight and rapid fire you can't believe.
Maybe we should take a step back, not forward. The woods would be a quieter if not safer place with single shot slug guns, real muzzleloaders, and real pistols.
Black Widow recurve Easton Aluminum Arrows Magnus Broadheads
11/03/2005 11:29 AM
11/03/2005 11:29 AM
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Ok,,,I'll bite again. What's a "real muzzleloader"??
Brew coffee....not tards
11/04/2005 07:52 AM
11/04/2005 07:52 AM
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As some one who's been shot at with slugs while goose hunting in the middle of a disked corn field... I'm glad that guy did not have more shells.
I'm against rifles for deer.
Learn About Wetland Reserve
11/04/2005 07:58 AM
11/04/2005 07:58 AM
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A "real muzzleloader" is one that doesn't make everyone say "If we can use on of those, why can't we use a rifle?" The same thing applies to "real pistols".
I'm not a traditional elitest. I hunt with a modern scoped inline ml. I don't want to quit, but as long as they are allowed, this debate will never end. You just cannot justify not allowing certain rifles as long as these modern MLs and stockless rifles are allowed.
If we stepped backward, I could live with it. I've taken deer with patched balls and .44 slugs shot from a revolver. I can do it again. I say go one way or the other.
Black Widow recurve Easton Aluminum Arrows Magnus Broadheads
11/04/2005 04:01 PM
11/04/2005 04:01 PM
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"250 yards with an 870 Rem and Peep sites......is Fantasy Island."
Agree with that gundude. I'm not even sure a six-inch group would be realistic with that set up at 250 yards.
11/06/2005 01:54 AM
11/06/2005 01:54 AM
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In reality rifles are allowed in indiana, according to the regs, rifles can be used for coyotes and if you look at what you can use for a squirrel there is no restrictions on that at all. Its hunters that make things unsafe not the caliber or gauge. Any guy blasting away with a shotgun can be just as dangerous as one with a rifle. I do agree though that like WI if rifles were allowed for "deer hunting" that some counties could be left only with shotguns and ml's.
If it weren't for the bad days there wouldn't be the good days.
11/06/2005 07:24 PM
11/06/2005 07:24 PM
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Jack Ryan
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Originally posted by chuck: In reality rifles are allowed in indiana, according to the regs, rifles can be used for coyotes and if you look at what you can use for a squirrel there is no restrictions on that at all. Yep, you are sure right about that, and the LAST TIME I EVER HUNTED ATTERBURY was the day they assigned some dimwitt wanting to hunt squirrels with his 30/30 to the same area I was going to be bow hunting deer.
Drive for hours to hunt Hoosier National Forrest, only to find it is now the trailor trash ATV park? Turn them in here, 1-812-275-5987 Bedford HNF office law enforcement. Put it in your cell.
11/20/2005 05:32 PM
11/20/2005 05:32 PM
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I'm 100% in favor of making rifles chambered for straight wall pistol cartridges legal in Indiana. I don't see why that would be anymore dangerous or of any bigger advantage over fully rifled shotguns shooting sabots, or handguns chambered in all sorts of high powered rifle cartridges, or even these new wonder muzzle loaders that are accurate out to over 200 yards. So whats the big deal about calling a spade a spade and letting us use our lever action pistol caliber rifles? I use my Marlin 1894 in .44 magnum all the time when calling coyotes from a tree stand. It is a natural tree stand rifle with its short carbine size, and handles great. You talk about safety? In my 40 years of hunting I'd never had a close call until this fall in bow season of all things!! As I was walking through a standing corn field on the way to my ladder stand to bow hunt, I heard a shot fired about 200 yards to my right. I then heard a bullet come wizzing by, missing me by only a few yards. It sounded like it had ricochead off of something. After hearing a second shot, I quickly got out of the field and made it to my stand tree just as a third shot was fired and a round flew into the woodline I was in and struck a tree fifty yards away. The time between shots was just long enough to reload a muzzleloader so between shots I circled out of the impact area and returned to my car. I then drove to where a guy was set up on an old RR right of way, that borders our property, sighting in his muzzleloader. After a brief discussion with the shooter, and some quick pointer on shooting into a safe backstop, he left and I returned to my stand. Dead is dead. It doesn't matter if you're hit with a pistol bullet or a muzzleloaded slug. It's not the weapon, it's the guy pulling the trigger we need to watch. Indiana needs to get with the program..
Hunt safe y'all..Coyote 6974
01/08/2006 05:27 PM
01/08/2006 05:27 PM
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Needed? maybe not,i think there are some who want more options in a weapon,to 'play' with and use instead of just them sitting in a gun rack. And why not,look at what you can put in a TC contender,i hunt with a S&W 44 mag,whats a few more inches of barrel,i wont try shots any farther,would anyone? slugs would just be hitting dirt. Originally posted by grappledad: I don't think they are needed here, but if they were legal I would be buying a bigger gun locker.
02/05/2006 08:02 AM
02/05/2006 08:02 AM
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There is no way I wanna see Indiana allow rifles in the deer woods. My reason is a simple one.There are enough idiots out there that cant hit & recover a deer they shoot at 50 yards let alone 300. Or better yet.Goto your local Wal-mart around 9 pm the night before season opener.It's a joke.There are numerous guys buying slug guns,scopes,mounts,& slugs.You know that 99.9% of them are slapping that new scope on there new gun & heading out at day break.Never putting a single slug through it before.Now lets just give that same stupid SOB a centerfire rifle.
But then again if Indiana would require everyone to take a hunter safety class & a shooting skills test. MAYBE !
Stephen >>>--------> Nothings better than a Smallmouth on a stiff Rod....
02/05/2006 01:24 PM
02/05/2006 01:24 PM
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Originally posted by BIGBUCKS:
But then again if Indiana would require everyone to take a hunter safety class & a shooting skills test. MAYBE ! WOW!!!!!!!....... Back up the truck there BIGBUCKS and think for a minute........ Now what I am gonna say has nothing to do with pro/anti- rifles in Indiana....... Having said that you need to think about this "shooting skill test? WHO is going to set the standard? Are you willing to let the GOVERNMENT the power to say yes or no to your ability to use a firearm? Thnik about it. WHAT IF we have an ANTI-gun administration in power. They can't pass legistlation to ban ownership of firearms or to ban hunting but they DO have the power to make the tests nearly impossible for ANYONE to pass. THUS achieving thier end goal..... Does this sound like a long shot? TRUST me it's not.......... By the way the idiots you see at wallmart the night before the opener are in EVERY STATE!... So your argument base on that doesnt pan out. You'll find the same fools in every state. I know because I have seen it.
Life is hard. Its even harder If your stupid! John Wayne.
02/06/2006 06:04 AM
02/06/2006 06:04 AM
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Originally posted by BIGBUCKS: There is no way I wanna see Indiana allow rifles in the deer woods. My reason is a simple one.There are enough idiots out there that cant hit & recover a deer they shoot at 50 yards let alone 300. Or better yet.Goto your local Wal-mart around 9 pm the night before season opener.It's a joke.There are numerous guys buying slug guns,scopes,mounts,& slugs.You know that 99.9% of them are slapping that new scope on there new gun & heading out at day break.Never putting a single slug through it before.Now lets just give that same stupid SOB a centerfire rifle.
But then again if Indiana would require everyone to take a hunter safety class & a shooting skills test. MAYBE ! As the laws regarding rifles in Indiana, one can't use a long gun when hunting with cartridges like .308 or .270, for hunting Deer. However if one owns, a single shot pistol, like a Savage Striker or other brands of boltaction pistols, they are legal to use here in Indiana. You may use any rifle to hunt Squirrels, Woodchucks, or Coyotes.
02/07/2006 03:53 AM
02/07/2006 03:53 AM
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People tend to always use the .30-06 as an example or comparison when talking about the power of Centerfire ammo. Actually, it is way too dangerious for a .30-06 or any cartridge in it's class to be used in Indiana. However cartridges like the .44 Magnum or .454 or even a .45 Long Colt, all have pratically the same ballistics and range of a M/L or Saboted shotgun load we all use now.
02/08/2006 04:35 PM
02/08/2006 04:35 PM
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I agree ,There are some calibers that would be fine. But I don't believe the state is ready for HI-power centerfire rifles that can reach out 250+yds. Yeah you can argue ,They let you on yotes.They let you shoot tree rats with no caliber restcictions..........Now stop and think about this.How many people start out hunting coyotes? How many start out hunting tree rats?When I say start out I mean never hunted ANYTHING before. Now think about all the first time hunters that take the field on opening morning of shotgun. **** the only squirrel hunters I know hunt everything. The only coyote hunter are all diehards. What I'm saying they all are experienced hunters..... Handguns. You must have a handgun permit.More so than not that guy will be experienced.
Also think about the deer herd.Most deer are safe at say 100+ yards.Think about all the deer that live to see another day because of that. Plus .It would most likely increase deer harvested (buck & doe)...Now more bucks killed means less muzzle loader tags sold. In return you have a increase in license prices. I say leave it the way it is........
Stephen >>>--------> Nothings better than a Smallmouth on a stiff Rod....
02/09/2006 03:28 AM
02/09/2006 03:28 AM
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Originally posted by BIGBUCKS: I agree ,There are some calibers that would be fine. But I don't believe the state is ready for HI-power centerfire rifles that can reach out 250+yds. Yeah you can argue ,They let you on yotes.They let you shoot tree rats with no caliber restcictions..........Now stop and think about this.How many people start out hunting coyotes? How many start out hunting tree rats?When I say start out I mean never hunted ANYTHING before. Now think about all the first time hunters that take the field on opening morning of shotgun. **** the only squirrel hunters I know hunt everything. The only coyote hunter are all diehards. What I'm saying they all are experienced hunters..... Handguns. You must have a handgun permit.More so than not that guy will be experienced.
Also think about the deer herd.Most deer are safe at say 100+ yards.Think about all the deer that live to see another day because of that. Plus .It would most likely increase deer harvested (buck & doe)...Now more bucks killed means less muzzle loader tags sold. In return you have a increase in license prices. I say leave it the way it is........ A .44 Magnum, 454 Casull, or even a .45 Long Colt is hardly a 250 yard cartridge. Your various shotgun gauges + Muzzleloader Sabots have the same effective range. Also remember that it is currently legal to use something like a .30-06 in a Handgun here in Indiana.
02/09/2006 12:24 PM
02/09/2006 12:24 PM
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For some hilarious reading just pull up some of those old "long range" deer sniper threads with people making those "amazing" long range kills with shotguns and muzzle loaders. Now with that list of poster and what they claimed, come here and see what they are saying to justify center fire rifle cartridges.
Drive for hours to hunt Hoosier National Forrest, only to find it is now the trailor trash ATV park? Turn them in here, 1-812-275-5987 Bedford HNF office law enforcement. Put it in your cell.
02/09/2006 08:46 PM
02/09/2006 08:46 PM
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I believe I said 250+. But if you have a shotgun that is shooting that,why do you even want centerfire rifles. And unless I'm misstaken I said I agree with some calibers. And for those of you that can shoot a pistol just as good as a rifle at that range.Why change the law. This whole topic was exhausted years ago on this site.
Stephen >>>--------> Nothings better than a Smallmouth on a stiff Rod....
02/10/2006 03:34 AM
02/10/2006 03:34 AM
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Originally posted by BIGBUCKS: I believe I said 250+. But if you have a shotgun that is shooting that,why do you even want centerfire rifles. Freedom of choice, plus the fact that Loads like the .44 Magnum are much cheaper and reloadable. Shotgun Sabots are neither cheaper or reloadable. You can buy a box of 50 .44 Magnum shells for about $28, while shotgun sabot loads run anywhere from $10 to $15 per 5-shells, depending on brand. M/L ammo is the most reasonably priced but not everyone is into hunting with a M/L. However if you feel you can do with a shotgun firing either expensive sabots or inaccurate 5" @ 75 yard Foster Slugs, then that is your choice.
02/10/2006 11:01 AM
02/10/2006 11:01 AM
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Nope,my shotgun won't even come close to that kinda yardage.Still don't feel Indiana is ready for centerfire rifles.
Stephen >>>--------> Nothings better than a Smallmouth on a stiff Rod....
02/10/2006 11:34 AM
02/10/2006 11:34 AM
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Originally posted by BIGBUCKS: Nope,my shotgun won't even come close to that kinda yardage.Still don't feel Indiana is ready for centerfire rifles. I am thinking that you are confusing RIFLE cartridges with PISTOL cartridges. The .44 Mag., .41 Mag., .45 LC, and .454 Casull are all classified as PISTOL cartridges. There are also rifles chambered for the pistol cartridges. Now, a .308, .30-30, .243, .30-06, and .270 ARE much too dangerious to be used here in Indiana for Deer. If it's legal to use the Strightwalled PISTOL Cartridges like .44 Magnum in a handgun, why not in a long gun?? Frankly, I am suprised this issue even came up again. 
02/10/2006 02:10 PM
02/10/2006 02:10 PM
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But your grouping it all with "centerfire",of course not all calibers,but it would be nice to use other guns such as a lever action.Some people might be in disagreement cause they havent owned/shot the kinds of guns/calibers we are talking about,its kinda like the BUG EYED attitude liberals had when they imposed the Clinton assalt weapons ban,talking about that "terrible pistol grip" and such.Im not saying anyone here is a liberal just maybe some misunderstanding of rifles and those certain calibers. Originally posted by BIGBUCKS: Nope,my shotgun won't even come close to that kinda yardage.Still don't feel Indiana is ready for centerfire rifles.
02/10/2006 05:30 PM
02/10/2006 05:30 PM
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Originally posted by DRS:
I am thinking that you are confusing RIFLE cartridges with PISTOL cartridges. The .44 Mag., .41 Mag., .45 LC, and .454 Casull are all classified as PISTOL cartridges. There are also rifles chambered for the pistol cartridges. Now, a .308, .30-30, .243, .30-06, and .270 ARE much too dangerious to be used here in Indiana for Deer. If it's legal to use the Strightwalled PISTOL Cartridges like .44 Magnum in a handgun, why not in a long gun?? Frankly, I am suprised this issue even came up again.  [/QB][/QUOTE] DRS~I agree with you 100%
Stephen >>>--------> Nothings better than a Smallmouth on a stiff Rod....
02/11/2006 03:46 AM
02/11/2006 03:46 AM
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Originally posted by reloader: But your grouping it all with "centerfire",of course not all calibers,but it would be nice to use other guns such as a lever action.Some people might be in disagreement cause they havent owned/shot the kinds of guns/calibers we are talking about,its kinda like the BUG EYED attitude liberals had when they imposed the Clinton assalt weapons ban,talking about that "terrible pistol grip" and such.Im not saying anyone here is a liberal just maybe some misunderstanding of rifles and those certain calibers. Originally posted by BIGBUCKS: [b] Nope,my shotgun won't even come close to that kinda yardage.Still don't feel Indiana is ready for centerfire rifles. [/b]Reloader, I agree with your post 110%! As you see, by reading some of the threads on this subject, that most Hunters (Not All) here really don't understand much about Cartridges & Firearms at all. This is the perception I get when they start comparing .30-06's to .44 Magnums, then try to justify their inaccurate shotguns as being "Good enough". I personally have fired, at least once, practically every cartridge out there from the tiny .17's to the mighty .460 Weatherby Magnum, so I have a pretty good Idea when it comes to talking about "Pistol" cartridge power vs. "Rifle" cartridge power.
02/11/2006 10:35 AM
02/11/2006 10:35 AM
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Originally posted by reloader: Yes DRS,understanding only comes with experience with any subject.Ballistics is my hobby,i reload thousands of rounds for differant calibers every year,i stop only for deer season. Ballistics, reloading, and forming wildcat cartridges are a hobby of mine too. I have over 35 years experience with reloading; so I know how a typical bullet perform and what powder to use with any given caliber. Back in the late '60's I was the first person in my area to own a .17 caliber rifle, a .17 Ackley Bee built on a Martini action. Later I had built several other rifles like a .257 Ackley Improved, .22 K-Hornet, .25 Souper, .17/223, 6.5 X 257 Roberts, and one, I still own, a .458 X 2" AMERICAN built on an Old Remington M-722 Action. I don't really care for these "Short Fat" new cartridges they are currently placing on the market.
02/11/2006 10:42 AM
02/11/2006 10:42 AM
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If it's legal to use the Strightwalled PISTOL Cartridges like .44 Magnum in a handgun, why not in a long gun?? DRS I know this is your "pet issue". But surely you already know that the primary reason has been stated many times in the past. In public forums, the DNR in the past would often get asked the question as to why centerfire cartidges are legal only in pistols. Their response has always been that it's a simple safety issue, as follows: Few use handguns. But, of course, most slug-gun hunters would switch to rifles if centerfires were made legal. Then we would have two-hundred-thousand-some-odd centerfires in our crowded Indiana woods, and that has not been considered safe. OF COURSE, you disagree with that, but since you keep asking that same question when surely you already know the answer, I thought I would review it again for you.
02/11/2006 11:08 AM
02/11/2006 11:08 AM
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Originally posted by sticksender: [b]If it's legal to use the Strightwalled PISTOL Cartridges like .44 Magnum in a handgun, why not in a long gun?? DRS I know this is your "pet issue". But surely you already know that the primary reason has been stated many times in the past. In public forums, the DNR in the past would often get asked the question as to why centerfire cartidges are legal only in pistols. Their response has always been that it's a simple safety issue, as follows: Few use handguns. But, of course, most slug-gun hunters would switch to rifles if centerfires were made legal. Then we would have two-hundred-thousand-some-odd centerfires in our crowded Indiana woods, and that has not been considered safe. OF COURSE, you disagree with that, but since you keep asking that same question when surely you already know the answer, I thought I would review it again for you. [/b] .....And yet they (the State) legalize fireworks!....See what I mean, "Reloader" too many here that fail to understand about firearms and basic ballistics.
02/16/2006 02:56 PM
02/16/2006 02:56 PM
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dont think we need them. plus the irresponsible idiot factor during gun season, i say no.
Daimond Black Ice Rage 125's T/C Omega 250 gr. Shockwave
02/18/2006 05:57 PM
02/18/2006 05:57 PM
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So a shotgun is safe for idiots?a .44 lever action is no more dangerous. Originally posted by Felix: dont think we need them. plus the irresponsible idiot factor during gun season, i say no.
02/18/2006 07:30 PM
02/18/2006 07:30 PM
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Jack Ryan
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Whittington if he'd rather Cheney had been using an AR15.
Drive for hours to hunt Hoosier National Forrest, only to find it is now the trailor trash ATV park? Turn them in here, 1-812-275-5987 Bedford HNF office law enforcement. Put it in your cell.
02/19/2006 04:22 AM
02/19/2006 04:22 AM
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Originally posted by reloader: So a shotgun is safe for idiots?a .44 lever action is no more dangerous. Originally posted by Felix: [b] dont think we need them. plus the irresponsible idiot factor during gun season, i say no. [/b]Reloader, I guess you can see the "mindset" of some members here on the subject Shotgun slugs vs. Pistol cartridge firing rifles. I don't think we're going beable to educate anyone, that a 12 or 20 gauge sabot is no more safier or dangerious than a .44 Magnum. So I guess you're right about "shotguns being safe for Idiots"
02/19/2006 10:43 AM
02/19/2006 10:43 AM
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Originally posted by reloader: Like i said before DRS,theres a whole lot that dont have experiance shooting differant calibers,most just have a shotgun/sluggun,a .22 and probably not much opportunity to shoot and play with stuff like we do,finding a place to shoot is hard,imagine how many young people would love to go out with dad to target shoot but have no where to go,thats why i dont like Indiana now that the countryside is dotted with a house in almost every woodlot,im down to a couple places to shoot/hunt now from dozens i used to have as a teen. Reloader, You're right 110%! I know what you mean about finding places to hunt or shoot here in Indiana. Where I live, Vanderburgh County, what countryside is left it is way small and homes dot the landscape. It's really hard to find a safe place to hunt or even target shoot. I guess I am lucky as I have 15 acres wooded where I can still hunt Small Game & Deer, here. I must drive up to Sugar Ridge F&G Area's rifle range to pratice shooting with one of my High Powered rifles, and it's a 70 mile round trip. I normally hunt Deer in KY as it is far less crowded down there and many places to hunt. I've also been on Deer & Black Bear hunts in Colorado & Washington State several times. I too have lost several hunting areas to development and other concerns, here in Indiana. So yes, I think you're right that some of the fine folks here just don't have the space or oportunity to shoot to have enough experience comparing "Pistol Cartridge" firing Rifles to Shotguns firing slugs.
02/20/2006 07:45 AM
02/20/2006 07:45 AM
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Whittington walked up unanounced,if it was an ar-15 Chaney would be shooting at a target ,would Whittington walk between the gun and the target? Originally posted by Jack Ryan: Whittington if he'd rather Cheney had been using an AR15.
02/20/2006 09:21 AM
02/20/2006 09:21 AM
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It has ben suggested that those who feel shotguns are safer than centerfires are idiots yet one has argued the reason we need them to hunt with is the cost of ammo. That too funny. The cost of what one spends on ammo a year to deer hunt is minute compared to any other expense one incures deerhunting. One must shoot a heck of a lot a deer or is an extremely poor shot to worry about ammo cost. If you shoot a lot of deer your butchering cost is what you need to worry about and if your a poor shot but shoot often you have other problems other than cost of shells. But we are idiots for not wanting rifles? Lame arguments! Funny though 
"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena..."
02/20/2006 09:33 AM
02/20/2006 09:33 AM
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The cost of what one spends on ammo a year to deer hunt is minute compared to any other expense one incures deerhunting. One must shoot a heck of a lot a deer or is an extremely poor shot to worry about ammo cost. DNA, One needs to pratice shooting with their rifle or shotgun (firing slugs) inorder to familiarize, themselves, with the capability of their weapon. It is very unsportsmen like to take a firearm out that one has not praticed with very much and attempt to hunt with it. Those who do this are "IDIOTS"
02/20/2006 05:04 PM
02/20/2006 05:04 PM
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This thread is very entertaining. I see all kinds of flaws on both sides of this issue..... I'll weigh in soon and make both sides mad.lol
Life is hard. Its even harder If your stupid! John Wayne.
02/21/2006 03:47 AM
02/21/2006 03:47 AM
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Originally posted by Steiny: DRS - You are correct that it is prudent to shoot your gun and sight in before going afield, however I'd venture to guess that less than 50% of the deer hunters out there actually do it. Most just stuff a few rounds in it and head out, thinking "It was good enough last year". Most are just "Weekend Hunters" No real knowledge of how their firearms work or perform. Also a lot of closed minds here.
02/21/2006 04:10 AM
02/21/2006 04:10 AM
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DAVID!>>> Why the closed minded comments!.. It would seem by the poll that it is pretty well an even split... Or did you mean that not everyone is in total agreement of what YOU THINK!
Life is hard. Its even harder If your stupid! John Wayne.
02/21/2006 04:57 AM
02/21/2006 04:57 AM
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It's NOT what I "Think", but rather what I Know!
02/21/2006 11:45 AM
02/21/2006 11:45 AM
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Here we go again..........
When science meets tradition there will be sparks.....
02/21/2006 11:50 AM
02/21/2006 11:50 AM
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Originally posted by jbwhttail: Here we go again.......... No were not....
Life is hard. Its even harder If your stupid! John Wayne.
02/21/2006 01:39 PM
02/21/2006 01:39 PM
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It's NOT what I "Think", but rather what I Know! I highly doubt you speak for the majority of us here. Most are just "Weekend Hunters" No real knowledge of how their firearms work or perform. How do you come to this conclusion?? MOST??? I'd be willing to bet MOST of us here aren't the ones you're referring to. Please enlighten us. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Brew coffee....not tards
02/22/2006 04:33 PM
02/22/2006 04:33 PM
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Its more than about opinion,its about facts,come on ,you know a sluggun and a .44 levergun side by side is hardly any differance on range,thats all im saying. Originally posted by gundude: DAVID!>>> Why the closed minded comments!.. It would seem by the poll that it is pretty well an even split... Or did you mean that not everyone is in total agreement of what YOU THINK!
02/22/2006 05:17 PM
02/22/2006 05:17 PM
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Originally posted by reloader: Its more than about opinion,its about facts,come on ,you know a sluggun and a .44 levergun side by side is hardly any differance on range,thats all im saying. Originally posted by gundude: [b] DAVID!>>> Why the closed minded comments!.. It would seem by the poll that it is pretty well an even split... Or did you mean that not everyone is in total agreement of what YOU THINK! [/b]YOU obviously havent read my previous posts concerning this issue! I have stated more than once that there were flaws on both sides of this issue and I even started this thread so a fair an honest exchange of "opinions" could happen. I did this soley for Mr. DRS as he he thought this site was "anti" and closed minded. It's not and anyone can say or voice as they so choose. With that being said, it needs to be done in a factual manner or you might get hammered. Jumping up and down and crying like a little school girl cause the DNR hasn't givin the rifle crowd thier blessing is just plain foolish. The tactics used to get this thing approved have just been well... tackey at best. On the flip side the "anti" side of the issue makes foolish statements about not wanting the "idiots" out there with center fire rifles! I guess Kentuckians are smarter than us huh!.. Think before you post on such an issue is all I am saying........ And don't even try to educate me on ballistics.......... NOW if the majority decides to allow rifles to some extent in Indiana and it is done by means of proper channels then I am fine with it. Heck I'll probably find some old crusty 45/70 and do it myslef once. If we dont go that route, I'm fine with that too as I have plenty of optionss to choose from the way it is... The cost of ammo and blah blah blah blah is a usless argument..
Life is hard. Its even harder If your stupid! John Wayne.
02/23/2006 04:14 AM
02/23/2006 04:14 AM
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Gundude, I strongly suggest that you leave me out of your demented ranting, regarding this thread. I am sick of it!!!
02/23/2006 04:31 AM
02/23/2006 04:31 AM
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DIITO DAVID!!!!!!!!!! I have tried my best to help you in your endevour and yet you have done more harm to your cause than good. (Thats just my opinion by the way) Now you can continue to carry your torch the same way you have always done so and nothing will change. OR you can change your ways and maybe get something done.... Either way this thread has been aloud to run for months and it is now going to come to a close in this forum. If you want to bring it up somewhere else on this board, by all means do so, thats your choice but I am locking this one down. If you don't like it then take it up with the Admin. They don't have any problem putting me in my place, I'm sure of that.
You burned your bridge with me when you lied and and then went on to say that this site waas " anti gun" and " anti hunting"..... For some foolish reason I sent you a PM and tried to expalin how to get things done and you ignored it. I gave you another chance by starting this poll thinking you would come around but you didn't. So thats the end of that. This subject is closed in the gun forum.. Take it elsewhere and maybe you will find a more "open minded moderator". Now if you will excuse me I have some .41 mag cases that need to be reloaded.
Life is hard. Its even harder If your stupid! John Wayne.
03/28/2007 12:42 PM
03/28/2007 12:42 PM
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back by popular demand!...lol go at it guys!
Life is hard. Its even harder If your stupid! John Wayne.
03/28/2007 01:04 PM
03/28/2007 01:04 PM
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dude I am so passed the popcorn it aint even funny.....I am now just chewin on a piece of last years jerky!
Life is hard. Its even harder If your stupid! John Wayne.
03/29/2007 04:50 AM
03/29/2007 04:50 AM
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There is another commission meeting May 22 at Clifty Falls SP.
Treat me like I'm your best friend and it may happen
03/29/2007 11:09 AM
03/29/2007 11:09 AM
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Here's some interesting information for anyone interested. It is from another site and composed by a member, over there, who has proven to be quite knowledgable on this issue. Hope it clears up questions: http://www.johncthiel.com/PCR%20FAQS.htm
03/02/2012 07:09 AM
03/02/2012 07:09 AM
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All you have to do is drive East or South from any point outside of Merrillville or Valparaiso to know that there is very little safety threat from a rifle. The same or even more safe in Indiana than in MN or Wisconsin north of 94 and they allow rifles there. I can see no rifles within 20 miles of Indianapolis, or NW Indiana, but safety is not a concern in 90% of the state.
Instructor at a Chicago Boxing Gym . Hunting is my passion!!! I hunt in Indiana, Illinois and Minnesota.
12/14/2012 12:28 PM
12/14/2012 12:28 PM
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Food for thought: On early/late shots...What are all those lighted site pins and scope cross hairs for??? I'm sure you could find the article but The Rifleman had an article studying ricochets. Their findings were that heavy, slow, bullets pose more of a threat. After glancing off a surface they retained more of their weight and energy. While lighter faster projectiles would break-up/deform more and shed energy much faster.. Lastly, and most importantly you cannot outlaw, cure, or banish, stupid. No matter what we do, luckily, a small portion of the populations last words will be...."Hey Fellas Watch This".....  .......<>
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