God blessed me with a good buck yesterday evening! It was freezing cold with the wind blowing when whitetails started filtering through the woods to feed in the nearby cut corn field. The first deer spotted I knew was a buck as it's body was huge, but I had no idea what kind of headgear he sported. Many more deer started filtering through as well giving me more thoughts to process of exactly what may transpire next. Suddenly the buck comes out of the brush and starts walking away and disappears behind a large oak. I think "great!" as he's not appearing anywhere. Then he steps out onto the edge of the wood line and is clearly silhouetted in the shining snow. He is a mature buck! I eased up the Knight muzzleloader HoosierHunter so wonderfully lets me use and squeezed the trigger. He ran up the hill, I shakily reloaded and squeezed again and that was it. Blessed with a beautiful 7 point whitetail buck! Thank you lord!

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And how he fell.
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"The bottom line is, if you shoot something, be proud of it. If you can't be proud of it, don't shoot it. God didn't create any "justs." Neither should bowhunters." -Dwight Schuh