"Help me understand" says the kid who is an excel spreadsheet genius and math whiz. Bahahahaha

Baselines don't matter. Phssst baselines. Really!? Nope 2011 and 2012 were the same.

Ill give Ya a record harvest every yr for three yrs running
2014 - make gun Nov 1 thru Nov 30 and do not change regs otherwise from 2013.
2015 - make gun Oct 15 thru Nov 30 and again Dec 15-Dec 25 w no other reg changes.
2016 - Oct 1-Dec15 gun season. Yee haw! Again no other reg changes from 2013.

Waalaa there Ya go record harvests. And we all know record harvests mean lotsa deer!

Baselines, I don't need no stinkin baselines the deer herd in 2017 will be awesome.

Consistent luck is nothing more than hard work and preparation.