Thanks to all of you for the comments, I plan on printing these and saving them for Max.
Max is a great kid, he is very quite and well behaved, he is a pleasure to be around. He wants so much to be a great hunter like his dad. He lives near me and spent time this summer at my gun range learning how to shoot, making plans on hunting this season and talking about deer hunting.
Youth weekend came, the first morning a spike buck came by and at that very same moment Max was stricken with a bad case of fever followed with heavy breathing and uncontrollable shaking. After the gun fired and the unharmed spike ran away the fever left him just as quick it came on. The rest of the weekend we only saw deer out of range.
Opening weekend of gun we were again at my property in Jefferson county, the weather was terrible and we never saw a deer. I was feeling very bad for Max because I wanted him to get a deer.
Well a couple of days ago his luck changed and he now has his first deer. It has been a honor for me to be hunting with Max and I hope to see him get many more.

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.