Dave/Dale, I feed them in the thickest stuff we have. But you are right Dave, I run them out of the open fields all the time! Hate seeing them out there!!!!

Dale, here are my "quail feeding stations" Its not much, but its what we have to give to them.
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This one is actually a fence that has bent bent completely under and there is a tunnel under it that I drop feed into. I think the rabbits get as much or more than the quail.

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This "grass waterway" we let grow up every year, basically because we can't get to it to mow. Its about 350 yards long. This is the one I have been working with Nate on to get some Native stuff in. Problem is, most springs it lays too wet to work up the ground before we have to get crops in. In the fall, I want to leave the cover…..catch 22….One of these springs, conditions will be right to get it done. I go through there on occasion with the 4 wheeler and knock the stalks down, and beat the seeds off of them for the birds. They like that ragweed as well as anything we have...
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