Re: Food Plots are Done !
08/04/2014 06:59 AM
08/04/2014 06:59 AM
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Sweet- good luck to you this season!
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Re: Food Plots are Done !
08/11/2014 03:45 PM
08/11/2014 03:45 PM
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Happy for you Steiny. It sure is aggravating when you put in the work and the weather doesn't cooperate.
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Re: Food Plots are Done !
08/22/2014 05:19 AM
08/22/2014 05:19 AM
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Originally posted by Steiny: About 2.5" of rain in the last 36 hours and still coming down. It was needed, but can quit now for a while. Turnips were all coming up good, this should give them a real boost. I got a little over 5 inches of rain last night. Just south of me they got right at 9 and its still raining. This will flood part of my turnips but thats OK. If they die out I will disc them up and plant winter wheat. h.h.
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Re: Food Plots are Done !
08/22/2014 08:52 AM
08/22/2014 08:52 AM
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Steiny... if you havent planted any winter wheat you should try a strip. If I could only plant one seed for a food plot it would be winter wheat.
My soybeans are doing better this year since I planted heavy and the deer didnt eat them to the ground as in the past, so I decided to leave them but I will disc a 8 ft wide strip in the middle of the beans and plant winter wheat. h.h.
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Re: Food Plots are Done !
08/22/2014 10:36 AM
08/22/2014 10:36 AM
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Originally posted by Parrot Head: HH you ever try just broadcast spreading some wheat while walking down soybeans. If the leaves are off or starting to fall it will come right up. No but I might this year. Most of the time the deer eat up my beans so there is no pods. I mow them off, disc, then plant turnips and wheat. This year I speed up the planter and planted between the rows so I have 4 times the amount of beans as in previous years. What Ive found with wheat is if you dont cover it you dont get a very good crop. Usually I drill it but if I do broadcast I run over it once with the culipacker. If you disc and get a good loose seed bed then broadcasting works good. h.h.
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Re: Food Plots are Done !
08/22/2014 12:01 PM
08/22/2014 12:01 PM
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Ive personally seen the difference between covering and not covering seeds in my food plots. The uncovered seeds dont grow as good as the covered seeds. The longer the seeds lay without rain the worse it is. If you disc the soil so there are cracks and a soft bed then covering will be done by a heavy rain.
Ive yet to see any farmers up here that dont prep ground before planting no matter what seed they are sowing. Since I have a choice which way to plant I choose to prep my ground first. h.h.
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Re: Food Plots are Done !
08/22/2014 04:17 PM
08/22/2014 04:17 PM
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No till is popular in some areas but a lot of farmers still till up here. State is paying farmers to leave 50 grass strips next to any ditches, streams or rivers trying to keep soil run off at a minimum.
Biggest problem up here is fertilizers polluting the water and causing algae blooms. Im hoping the state bans fertilizers with phosphates in them soon. h.h.
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Re: Food Plots are Done !
08/22/2014 07:09 PM
08/22/2014 07:09 PM
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Originally posted by Parrot Head: HH you ever try just broadcast spreading some wheat while walking down soybeans. If the leaves are off or starting to fall it will come right up. I can make my "food plots" as big as I want them by doing just this. I'll wait until the leaves on the beans just start to turn. I'll sow oats/wheat right down the rows. As the leave turn, and fall off, it mulches the seeds in and covers them. The seed germinates, and comes up very well this way. By the time the beans are ready to run, the oats are about 4" tall. The bean head gives it a little hair cut, but it comes right out of it, and goes to town.
Re: Food Plots are Done !
08/23/2014 06:21 AM
08/23/2014 06:21 AM
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Originally posted by Yaz: I can make my "food plots" as big as I want them by doing just this. I'll wait until the leaves on the beans just start to turn. I'll sow oats/wheat right down the rows. As the leave turn, and fall off, it mulches the seeds in and covers them. The seed germinates, and comes up very well this way. By the time the beans are ready to run, the oats are about 4" tall. The bean head gives it a little hair cut, but it comes right out of it, and goes to town. Sounds like a plan. This is the first year I have any beans left to do this. I have a spreader that goes on the back of my 4 wheeler that would work perfectly for this. h.h.
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Re: Food Plots are Done !
08/24/2014 02:34 PM
08/24/2014 02:34 PM
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I lightly broadcast some turnip and ground hog radish seed in the beans today. Didnt want too heavy of a seeding. Tomorrow Im going to the feed mill and get some winter wheat before they load it up and ship it out. Last year I waited until late Sept and almost didnt get any. h.h.
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Re: Food Plots are Done !
08/24/2014 07:09 PM
08/24/2014 07:09 PM
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Originally posted by hornharvester: I lightly broadcast some turnip and ground hog radish seed in the beans today. Didnt want too heavy of a seeding. Tomorrow Im going to the feed mill and get some winter wheat before they load it up and ship it out. Last year I waited until late Sept and almost didnt get any. h.h. You'll be glad you did it! That has always worked well for me. For me, its a win/win. I don't have to take tillable ground out to plant food plots, what gets sown in good for the ground, and the deer use it late into the winter and early spring.
Re: Food Plots are Done !
08/25/2014 05:37 AM
08/25/2014 05:37 AM
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We planted 7 plots for a total of about fine acres on the 15th in Switzerland county. Cover crop of winter wheat with a red clover alfalfa mix. Had rain on the 17th. looked at the fields on the 23rd and winter wheat is up as well as some Alfalfa. Been a crazy year down there with rain every few days hope the rain continues.
On our existing clover plots in June we sprayed them with Clethodim to kill grasses/Fescue. It took awhile but fields are GREAT! 1 pint per acre, per year is the rate. Much cheaper than 32.00 half pints sold by the seed guys, 54.00 per gallon and available at rural king. I can mow and keep the broad leafs down which are mostly annuals.
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Re: Food Plots are Done !
08/25/2014 02:09 PM
08/25/2014 02:09 PM
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Thanks Parrot Head, Slay and Arrest were the brand names I was talking about.
Grasses are my problem, Fescue.......... I hate it! I can deal with broadleaf as it is an annual and mowing will control those except the thistle. I can spot spray thistle and manage that in clover.
In the spring I will need to hit my warm season grasses hard before they emerge johnson grass and thistle is becoming a problem.
And to Throbak.......... we need to plan a burn!
When science meets tradition there will be sparks.....
Re: Food Plots are Done !
08/25/2014 02:51 PM
08/25/2014 02:51 PM
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Originally posted by jbwhttail: Thanks Parrot Head, Slay and Arrest were the brand names I was talking about.
Grasses are my problem, Fescue.......... I hate it! I can deal with broadleaf as it is an annual and mowing will control those except the thistle. I can spot spray thistle and manage that in clover.
In the spring I will need to hit my warm season grasses hard before they emerge johnson grass and thistle is becoming a problem.
And to Throbak.......... we need to plan a burn! Hey Joe - if you need another hand while doing the burn let me know. I would like to help just to learn.
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Re: Food Plots are Done !
08/25/2014 04:38 PM
08/25/2014 04:38 PM
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Fire scares the crap out of me but, Throbak knows how and when to do it. I need to learn also...
When science meets tradition there will be sparks.....
Re: Food Plots are Done !
08/26/2014 12:47 PM
08/26/2014 12:47 PM
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got one small plot done in a woods clearing with oats and rye my disc I built broke while doin a small corner of a field the farmer cannot get. Checked the big plot I had planted in buckwheat all summer and it got taken over with weeds, it was pure stand of buckwheat two weeks ago don't know what happened but idk if my little disc will till it up. Got a few more places to plant this coming weekend think if I don't get it done this will be the last weekend it needs to be planted. THROBAK you seem to know a lot about all this planting oats and rye first of September is about it?
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Re: Food Plots are Done !
08/26/2014 01:34 PM
08/26/2014 01:34 PM
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You can plant oats and rye up until it frost but a good hard frost or freeze will kill most oats. If you dont get your oats in you can plant winter wheat up til mid-late Oct. Im planting my wheat in about 2 weeks. h.h.
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Re: Food Plots are Done !
08/27/2014 09:56 AM
08/27/2014 09:56 AM
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Brad I have tried them all. Listen to hornharvester, the first hard freeze and the oats will be done. Get cheapest cover crop winter wheat you can buy, about 15.00 a 40# bag. It will grow all winter and can be planted like hh said till October.
When science meets tradition there will be sparks.....
Re: Food Plots are Done !
09/04/2014 05:52 PM
09/04/2014 05:52 PM
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Beans are doing OK, clover looks real good and most of the turnips I planted got flooded out but I did walk the bean field and broadcast more turnips. In the feeder is corn and chicken feed in pellets. Im trying to help out the turkeys. I had trouble with coons and squirrels climbing the poles so I greased them. That stopped them. You can see where they try and slide off......LOL ![[Linked Image]]( My stand is at the end of the field just to the left of the picture. h.h.
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