Just spent a half an hour on the phone with a guy who has a place up there. It was quite a conversation. Heck, this ruling may be the tip of the iceberg. He is headed up there this weekend and said he already has had a few of the residents up there call him and complain about why they weren't included in the ruling. I think from the conversation Lilly may need the space in front of their place for exe's to moor the boats. Something about riparian right. Heck, we also talked about how a wetland was moved to enable a new road to be made to one of the homes. Also, there might be an interesting emerging issue on webster where residents wanted to treat about 160 acres for the weeds but the DNR only wanted about 70 acres treated apparently because of the muskie fisherman. We need to put a fence around that area up there.

"Fishing is like a one night stand, unless you're fly fishing, then you've encountered the romance of your life"