In this particular situation, it didn't sound like fisherman were the problem at all. I read into it that the party boats would pull up in front of their docks, and anchor up. Blocking them from getting in and out. I can just imagine what was said in that exchange with a bunch of drunks. Probably ended up in "FU dock owner"……..Hence starting the whole issue…..

I go out of my way to stay out of peoples way on the water. Pleasure boaters and other fishermen. I realize I have a fairly large spread when I'm fishing, and if some one is where I want to be, I go WAY out and around them and come back later…..WHen it is busy on the lake with tubers and skiers, I hug the banks. But you still get those idiots that thinks it would be funny to see how close they can get to my planers, or try to squeeze between me and the bank. IDIOTS!