Originally posted by oldman1949:
"Some of you guys need to grow a pair and quit worrying about being political correct all the time."

Oh , I've got a pair and I don't worry about being P.C. at all .
So is it safe to say that you would be allright with me and a dozen or so friends setting up and hunting within ,say, 35 yards of your house ?
If you are hunting in a legal manner then its really none of my business. Im not one to call 911 ever time I hear close gun fire.

I see some of you don't really know the lake residents mentality. Basically its we own the lake and dont want the public on it! Dont believe me just go around and ask a few lake residents on how the feel about public ramps at their lake and you will quickly see what I mean.

Taking away everyone's anchoring rights because Eli Lilly executives dont want any boats anchored in their multimillion dollar lake view is ridiculous. h.h.

If you're not a hemorrhoid, get off my butt.