Originally posted by jbwhttail:
Just checked on insurance for me and the wife. we need it for 90 days until new employer policy will accept us........ $1788.00 per month for the two of us! OBAMACARE, no questions about our health needs age, background....... they did ask what our annual salary is.

Cheaper for me to just skip insurance for 3 months and take the risk.
We are figuring out the same thing Joe. We have to cover our son also! Even CRAPPY, $5000.00 deductable coverage is going to cost us more than the mortgage on the farm! Looking like even a little more than what you were quoted, for the 3 of us. For people like us on a tight budget, ANd now throw in an extra $700 to $800 per month, its not going to be good at all! Retirement and living modestly vs. health care is what it is going to boil down to.