Fortunately, I still have mine but who knows next year or in a few years....

There are things about Obamacare that I do like and agree with... My 11 yr old niece is battling a rare brain tumor and we don't know what the future holds for her and God willing and hoping she gets to be an adult that she will be able to get health insurance (even though it will be unaffordable and useless) but at least it is there for her....

With that said though, I do not expect or believe my neighbors or anyone on this site should have to sacrifice for her either... It would be one thing for me to sacrifice everything (which I would)for her because she is family and the future of my family but no one else should have to...

Could someone please answer this question for me.... How many poor people do you know that has $6,000 lying around to pay for deductibles? Heck if poor people can't even pay for their light bills, heating bills, food bills how in the heck are they going to pay for their doctor bills?

The answer is.... They won't pay... So how is this law going to work then?... Bad enough that this law was written by the insurance companies for their benefit not ours... They are in for the money and not doing one darn thing from the kindness of their hearts... I know the way the law was written its intention was to fail in Congress so the Democrats could blame the Republicans and get a super majority so they could pass a single payer system but it passed and now the Democrats own it and I hope they answer big time...

2010 might have been a "shellacking"....
Hoping 2014 is a historic beatdown....