Re: Garden time is coming
02/11/2014 06:33 AM
02/11/2014 06:33 AM
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I can't grow tomatoes to save my butt. Blossom end rot has killed my desire to even try anymore.
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Re: Garden time is coming
02/11/2014 06:42 AM
02/11/2014 06:42 AM
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Originally posted by Weedhopper: I can't grow tomatoes to save my butt. Blossom end rot has killed my desire to even try anymore. A lot has to do with how you water you tomatoes. Water in the morning and water at the base of the plant, don't spray the leaves.
Re: Garden time is coming
02/11/2014 06:47 AM
02/11/2014 06:47 AM
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Water how often? Anything added like Miracle Grow? I'm only talking like 3-4 plants here. Just the 2 of us...
Brew coffee....not tards
Re: Garden time is coming
02/11/2014 07:04 AM
02/11/2014 07:04 AM
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Originally posted by Weedhopper: Water how often? Anything added like Miracle Grow? I'm only talking like 3-4 plants here. Just the 2 of us... Water as often as needed, with or without Miracle grow. Just don't spray the plant with water. I had the same problem years ago and an old gardener told me what to do. If you spray the plant in the evening, the water will collect at the bottom of the fruit and stay there all night causing it to rot. If you water in the morning the water will evaperate and not collect on the tomatoes. I used to go out in the evening and really spray everything. Now I water in the morning and just the base. Seems to be worse in the dry years when everyone is watering alot. Try it, may not stop all the rot, but it will be alot better.
Re: Garden time is coming
02/11/2014 07:59 AM
02/11/2014 07:59 AM
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Originally posted by Shelby County Hunter: Originally posted by Weedhopper: [b] I can't grow tomatoes to save my butt. Blossom end rot has killed my desire to even try anymore. A lot has to do with how you water you tomatoes. Water in the morning and water at the base of the plant, don't spray the leaves. [/b]+1 I also bury 1 or 2 cups of fish scraps (or one whole bluegill that has been filleted) in the bottom of my hole before I plant my tomatoes. Then all season long, I sprinkle crushed up egg shells on the dirt for a calcium boost. Usually have no trouble with blossom ends.
"Take your bow and a quiver full of arrows, and go out into the open country to hunt some wild game for me." Genesis 27:3 (NLT)
Re: Garden time is coming
02/11/2014 08:09 AM
02/11/2014 08:09 AM
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Last year I built an under ground watering system for my tomatoes. Used 1/2 pvc and drilled small holes every foot on each side but off set the holes every six inches, stretched panty hose over the pipe and buried in between the plants about a foot deep. Put a 90 elbow on each end with a garden faucet attached. I hook up the hose to one end and open the other, if anything got inside the pipe the water flushes it out. I run it a few seconds and turn off the valve. I run it about 1/2 an hour until I see the ground starting to turn wet. Puts the water in the root system. With the wet weather last year I only ran it 3-4 times. h.h.
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Re: Garden time is coming
02/11/2014 03:09 PM
02/11/2014 03:09 PM
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Originally posted by Parrot Head: Going to grow my own seed potatoes starts this year. What type of sweet potato does everyone plant? Just curious, how do you grow your seed potatoe starts?
Re: Garden time is coming
02/11/2014 04:28 PM
02/11/2014 04:28 PM
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Got my seed ordered and setting up plans for the Spring. The wifey really wants me to grow some good tomatoes this year. It seems I can grow just about everything but tomatoes. She likes to make a ton of salsa so hopefully this year I can get it done. Thanks for tips mentioned. Need all the help I can get. Going to try potatoes too this year. Never really planted them seriously.
Got a craving for some sugar snap peas. My kids love those things.
Fishing and honeybee time
Re: Garden time is coming
02/12/2014 02:04 AM
02/12/2014 02:04 AM
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Originally posted by 76chevy: tomatoes like plenty of nitrogen and weed free growing...I live to grow mine though black plastic. ^^^^ My Dad and Grandpa always told me the same thing, 76. The idea behind the bluegill is about the time the tomato needs more Nitrogen, the bluegill has decomposed enough to provide it, at the root level. Another good trick is to bury a diaper, under the roots of each plant. The diaper will help hold moisture for the roots.
"Take your bow and a quiver full of arrows, and go out into the open country to hunt some wild game for me." Genesis 27:3 (NLT)
Re: Garden time is coming
02/12/2014 02:09 AM
02/12/2014 02:09 AM
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I have not heard of the diaper method. Ha. I have also used bluegills as fertilizer- works very well!! Originally posted by Cornfed: Originally posted by 76chevy: [b] tomatoes like plenty of nitrogen and weed free growing...I live to grow mine though black plastic. ^^^^ My Dad and Grandpa always told me the same thing, 76. The idea behind the bluegill is about the time the tomato needs more Nitrogen, the bluegill has decomposed enough to provide it, at the root level. Another good trick is to bury a diaper, under the roots of each plant. The diaper will help hold moisture for the roots. [/b]
Re: Garden time is coming
02/12/2014 07:42 AM
02/12/2014 07:42 AM
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Originally posted by bean: Got my seed ordered and setting up plans for the Spring. The wifey really wants me to grow some good tomatoes this year. It seems I can grow just about everything but tomatoes. She likes to make a ton of salsa so hopefully this year I can get it done. Thanks for tips mentioned. Need all the help I can get. Going to try potatoes too this year. Never really planted them seriously.
Got a craving for some sugar snap peas. My kids love those things. Bean, if your wife wants to make salsa, you might want to plant some paste tomatoes, like Roma or Rutgers. Less seeds, less juice. More pulp than a slicing tomatoe.
Re: Garden time is coming
02/12/2014 02:29 PM
02/12/2014 02:29 PM
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Tomato rot- check your soil pH Salsa- we had real good luck with plum tomatoes last year Sugar snap peas- I started early and then planted sporadically through the spring. Had peas for a long time.
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke
Re: Garden time is coming
03/07/2014 08:39 AM
03/07/2014 08:39 AM
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This is my favorite thread on this site. As this is my first year to garden i am anxious to get it going. I am still debating what to plant. Any advice im ears to listen.
billy cowan
Re: Garden time is coming
03/07/2014 10:16 AM
03/07/2014 10:16 AM
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Do seeds from the farm stores do fine or are you better off ordering them.
billy cowan
Re: Garden time is coming
03/07/2014 10:28 AM
03/07/2014 10:28 AM
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Ok thanks. I plan on starting some peppers and tomatoes here soon inside. Am i to early.
billy cowan
Re: Garden time is coming
03/07/2014 10:52 AM
03/07/2014 10:52 AM
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Ok thank you. I plan on doing this tire potato thing also. We eat potatoes like there going out of style around here.
billy cowan
Re: Garden time is coming
03/07/2014 04:01 PM
03/07/2014 04:01 PM
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Billy - There are a few things you can plant as soon as the soil can be worked: lettuce, spinach, onions, asparagus, and carrots.
One of the most important thing I can tell you is take care of the soil and it will take care of you. Compost and mulch are great tools in gardening. You can start your own stuff and you will learn over the years what works for you. Everyone has their methods and varieties to plant.
If you are starting a new garden site, I promise you that weeds will be an issue. There are ways to deal with them where you don't get frustrated.
Last night we ate greenbeans and sweet corn fro the garden. Nothin better.
Fishing and honeybee time
Re: Garden time is coming
03/10/2014 12:13 PM
03/10/2014 12:13 PM
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Here is a helpful money saving hint...... We buy alot of lettuce during the winter months, When I saw the containers the lettuce comes in (from Kroger) I had an idea. Told the wife to wash the containers and store them as they would make the perfect grow box. We have used them for a couple of years now and they work great! They have four distinct cells, fill half way with potting soil, plant a couple seeds in each cell, water and close the lid. It snap seals and seals moisture in. As you can see they are stackable! Got started this weekend with peppers and a few tomato plants. Will continue in weeks to come. Will post pictures as the plants begin to grow. I paid for the packaging of the lettuce now I can repurpose and get more for my bucks! ![[Linked Image]]( [/URL]
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Re: Garden time is coming
03/10/2014 05:17 PM
03/10/2014 05:17 PM
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Since these containers are covered how often do they need to be watered. Jb i worked in kroger produce for two years and would have never thought of using those containers. The egg carton idea is good also.
billy cowan
Re: Garden time is coming
03/11/2014 02:48 PM
03/11/2014 02:48 PM
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Until the moisture does not collect on the top no need to open or water. Sort of like a rain forrest, the water collects on leaves(top) then falls off and waters the plants.
All pepper plants take longer to germinate, I will start other plants in the next 2 weeks. Keep a log of how long plants take to germinate and it is easy to regulate plant growth.
When science meets tradition there will be sparks.....
Re: Garden time is coming
03/12/2014 02:43 AM
03/12/2014 02:43 AM
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My sister lived in southern Michigan had an acre patch of asparagus. She sold it to the local grocery stores. She told me they salted the patch every year but I cant remember what the salt did? So whats the reason? h.h.
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Re: Garden time is coming
03/14/2014 12:41 PM
03/14/2014 12:41 PM
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I got my seeds started the last couple days. I did tomatoes peppers cucumbers lettuce and zuchini. Lets hope i can atleast get a plant to grow.
billy cowan
Re: Garden time is coming
04/01/2014 06:44 PM
04/01/2014 06:44 PM
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Where is everyone at with their seedlings? I have tomato plants and peppers out my ears already. I am starting to individual pot them up. Lesson learned just cause you buy them by the bag doesnt mean you have to plant them all. I did loose all my lettuce will try it again.
billy cowan
Re: Garden time is coming
04/11/2014 04:45 AM
04/11/2014 04:45 AM
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Parrot Head
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Re: Garden time is coming
04/11/2014 04:56 AM
04/11/2014 04:56 AM
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Last year I crowded my garden and gave most of it away. Mainly because I started too many plants and didnt want to throw them away. This year Im buying my plants for this reason. Still way to cold for any gardening here. h.h.
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