Went out to Crawford Co. this morning, and hunted my oldest property. (Permission the longest). Sweetening the sentiment of the hunt, is the fact that I am hunting in a stand I built for my deceased brother. (We still call it "Bill's Stand")... About 8:30, in comes this yearling. Not far behind... a doe. I wait for a shot at the bigger deer, and to see if there are more deer (like a buck) with them....No buck, and no more does, so I wait for a good shot at the biggest deer. Eventually she gives it up, and I drop her in her tracks. Curious but not alarmed by the shot, is the yearling...He looks around, and mills around, but never spooks, while I re-load.... About the time the bullet stops on top of the powder, he starts up the hill towards where he last saw the other deer, and turned broadside....This one ran about 40 yards...

SHHH.... Be vewy vewy quiet,I'm hunting WABBITS