Good Gun Control Read
12/17/2012 06:13 PM
12/17/2012 06:13 PM
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Re: Good Gun Control Read
12/17/2012 06:26 PM
12/17/2012 06:26 PM
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This is a difficult issue for this country. I do believe change is coming and restrictions will be implemented. I'm one that doesn't really worry and am not afraid of some reasonable restrictions, including mag capacity and certain "style" restrictions. I'm probably an outlier on this, but.
"Fishing is like a one night stand, unless you're fly fishing, then you've encountered the romance of your life"
Re: Good Gun Control Read
12/18/2012 01:20 AM
12/18/2012 01:20 AM
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With ya Dave. I have said all along that if the gun side...and that is my side....stands and says its all or nothing they need to be ready for nothing. There are reasonable restrictions that I can live with.
Chief Operating Officer American Hunting Lease Association
Re: Good Gun Control Read
12/18/2012 02:34 AM
12/18/2012 02:34 AM
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Gents there are already 30000 plus gun laws on the books.. As former dealer i can tell you the system is flawed! In fact and its a joke ..i testified about the first hand experiences. I had in a sub committee ..ill post more on this latter.... its guns and mags that are not the problem, ..
Life is hard. Its even harder If your stupid! John Wayne.
Re: Good Gun Control Read
12/18/2012 03:56 AM
12/18/2012 03:56 AM
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Gun, I agree that they are not the sole problem and maybe not even the main problem, but I believe the mags can and do contribute to higher casualties in certain situations than would likely occur if they were not available. Of course, they will always be available to a reasonably large degree because of the existing inventory in the hands of the public, but, something needs to limit the continuing retail availability.
"Fishing is like a one night stand, unless you're fly fishing, then you've encountered the romance of your life"
Re: Good Gun Control Read
12/18/2012 06:24 AM
12/18/2012 06:24 AM
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Pot is illegal ... the war on drugs didnt work. The problem is two fold.. First is a secular culture and a do whatever you want attitude .kids dont matter and are left to raise themselves. Simplistic i know but true. Therethe is no time for a family unit nor the moral fortitude to even try to make it happen. Second is the very flawed system introduced by the brady bunch that was flawed from the start... its not the guns or mags. . It never has been.. its been proven time and time again.. When im on a real key board ill have more to say
Life is hard. Its even harder If your stupid! John Wayne.
Re: Good Gun Control Read
12/18/2012 12:36 PM
12/18/2012 12:36 PM
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Oddly...I agree with everything that was just said in all the posts. HMMM maybe we are all closer to being together than the NRA would have us believe.
Chief Operating Officer American Hunting Lease Association
Re: Good Gun Control Read
12/18/2012 03:43 PM
12/18/2012 03:43 PM
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Ill post facts and options after christmas from a real computer ... a vald and worthy debate ... base it on facts.. emotion driven arguments got us here to begin with.. factual data will get us through the it.... im done with a phone tonight
Life is hard. Its even harder If your stupid! John Wayne.
Re: Good Gun Control Read
12/19/2012 03:43 AM
12/19/2012 03:43 AM
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Agreed, to a degree. But, I believe mag capacity can and does contribute to higher casualties, and this too is part of the overall concern.
"Fishing is like a one night stand, unless you're fly fishing, then you've encountered the romance of your life"
Re: Good Gun Control Read
12/19/2012 03:55 PM
12/19/2012 03:55 PM
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It takes seconds to change a mag and if you had to change a mag three or four times to get 30 rounds off, that could lead to a number of times that a defender could get the upper hand while the intruder was incapable of responding. Sure, it's not much. But let me ask you this. If you were the teacher and had the ability to respond, who you prefer to face the guy with 30 continuous rounds or someone who had to take the time to reach into his coat, grab another mag (three different times) and reload. My guess is this. If that defender was defending your child, you'd prefer the latter.
"Fishing is like a one night stand, unless you're fly fishing, then you've encountered the romance of your life"
Re: Good Gun Control Read
12/19/2012 04:45 PM
12/19/2012 04:45 PM
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How long does it take to change mags?...longer than it takes not to.
No appreciable difference...guessing some people who have faced this type of tragedy would disagree.
Chief Operating Officer American Hunting Lease Association
Re: Good Gun Control Read
12/19/2012 06:13 PM
12/19/2012 06:13 PM
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An asualt rifle is any rifle being shot at you!
So much to say about this... and i will.
Emotionally driven b.s. is driving this train with zero supporting data
Life is hard. Its even harder If your stupid! John Wayne.
Re: Good Gun Control Read
12/19/2012 09:04 PM
12/19/2012 09:04 PM
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I agree with Keith... it's not about guns or mags... and will toss in my .02's worth... the discussion should be about mental illness.
Every one of the mass shootings that has taken place in the past decade has involved a shooter who was mentally unstable.
Ever since the legal standard for involuntary commitment was tightened back in the Reagan era (OMB Dave Stockman wanted to reduce medicaid spending for in-patient services and so had HHS change the threshold for qualifying for commitment) to the "danger to him/herself or others" and subsequent move away from in-patient care to out-patient pharmaceutical management, there have been ever increasing numbers of the mentally ill present among us. A recent study by the NIMH estimated that 13% of the US population had some form of clinical mental illness (depression, anxiety, etc.) and nearly 4-5% had a serious mental condition (psychosis, paranoid schizophrenia, dementia, etc.), yet the vast majority of these people never got treatment.
To me, it's not rocket science that we need to get away from a legal/medical standard for commitment which basically argues that we must wait for the mentally ill person to have a "severe episode" in which actual harm comes to them or those around them in order to qualify for detention or treatment. Furthermore, as the Newtown and similar cases clearly shows, gun owners who have a family member who is seriously mentally ill need to first, secure their **** guns, and second, get the person prompt and meaningful treatment.
To me, arguing with someone over number of rounds in a magazine or whether a rifle has a pistol grip or "looks" like an M-16 is buying into their argument that the issue is about guns. It's not. Period. The issue is about mental illness and the need for mental health reform, and that's where the discussion in the media and with friends should move, IMO...
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Re: Good Gun Control Read
12/20/2012 04:31 AM
12/20/2012 04:31 AM
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Keith, emotions is driving the current national discussion, but logic should encompass all aspects of the situation which, in my opinion, would include mental illness, violence in video games and move industry, additional security in schools and the use of accessories that create high casualty opportunities with a single action or pull of a trigger. To discuss all of those issue is responsible in my opinion because the outcome is likely driven by a contribution of all those put together.
"Fishing is like a one night stand, unless you're fly fishing, then you've encountered the romance of your life"
Re: Good Gun Control Read
12/20/2012 05:17 AM
12/20/2012 05:17 AM
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| are spot on. Each of these emotional issues is only a part of the problem that must be addressed and it will be a generation before we see any "appreciable" difference.
Chief Operating Officer American Hunting Lease Association
Re: Good Gun Control Read
12/20/2012 10:09 AM
12/20/2012 10:09 AM
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I heard Eric Holder today say that "Pesident Obama is considering making changes to existing laws before Congress can take it up".
Does that one sentence frighten anyone? A President who is willing to stomp on an ammendment breaking law himself. Executive order....
When american citizens take responsibility for a "armed citizen militia" let people freely carry guns in schools, businesses , attitudes of those who will do harm will change. We trust our children with teachers and school administrators for 8 hours a day, but we can't have an adult in a school armed? Prinipal and a teacher both lost their lives defending the children with what, a sharp pencil and a ruler? No match for any weapon or magazine size.
I have a semi auto .22 that holds 15 or 17 rounds, is that soon to be illegal? I once thought that we could find common ground on gun control we didn't need armor piercing bullets and such. Today I want and will have the tools to protect my family and those around me. For years I have had a concealed carry permit, really just so I could say I had it. In the last year I "carried" one time, I had my grandson and his friend fishing along white river in Indianapolis. From now on, I'm armed! If a business asks me to leave because they notice a fire arm so be it, I just wont do businesss there any longer.
We have to look at the Israeli model. Citizens are all armed and trained. When we all are equal, this crap will end.
When science meets tradition there will be sparks.....
Re: Good Gun Control Read
12/20/2012 11:11 AM
12/20/2012 11:11 AM
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Bingo joe! Im glad you have seen the light!
Life is hard. Its even harder If your stupid! John Wayne.
Re: Good Gun Control Read
12/23/2012 04:16 AM
12/23/2012 04:16 AM
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Im a fiscal conservitive but i must ask... Why do we have armed security at every airport shopping mall justice building ball game county fair on and on and on.. Why do we not have it in every school? Do the kids not matter? 5billion to cover every school in the land... a drop in the bucket when you look at all the money we spend on other stupid crap... raise my taxes for a worthy cause not for fruit fly research and such. I hope the NRA. Does engage the debate from a common sense logical approach ...
Life is hard. Its even harder If your stupid! John Wayne.
Re: Good Gun Control Read
12/23/2012 06:21 AM
12/23/2012 06:21 AM
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inanimate objects are NOT the problem.
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Re: Good Gun Control Read
12/23/2012 03:29 PM
12/23/2012 03:29 PM
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The problem with armed guards in schools, is that we will be creating a whole new layer of paid government jobs we neither need, nor can afford to pay for. How about parents take care of their kids for once? If we feel this is so necessary, then then a concerned parents group can pay for the security, or man security posts themselves.
My school system has paid crossing guards. When we were kids, we kids, volunteer parents and the teachers did this job for free. Somebody several years back decided we better hire these positions, and now we have an expense we will never get rid of. Paid security would be the same way, only ten times more costly.
Also, I think the metal detectors and guards at the courthouse are ridiculous and uneeded, and feel a bit insulted getting shook down just to go see the assesor.
People need to take care of themselves and their kids and quit expecting the government to do it. These screwed up shooters at Sandy Hook and Columbine are prime examples of kids that had no decent parental oversight.
Re: Good Gun Control Read
12/23/2012 04:30 PM
12/23/2012 04:30 PM
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Couldn't agree more with you..
Thats the world we lived in and how we raised our kids.. But if you think values and common semse will prevail here i think you are in for a rude awakening ... sad isnt it?
Life is hard. Its even harder If your stupid! John Wayne.
Re: Good Gun Control Read
01/08/2013 09:45 AM
01/08/2013 09:45 AM
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I don’t think of suppressors as assault weapons... Machine Guns yes.
Mag capacity is not an issue. If I am a teacher (my wife is one) I am currently defenseless against a 10 round mag or a 30 round mag or a 100 round drum. What kind of action is an un-armed person going to take in the 2 seconds it takes to change a mag. You really think that limiting the size of a mag is going to stop or change anything? I would love to hear some examples of times when there was a mass shooting that would have been prevented or limited by having regulations in place for mag capacity. Explain to me how the “style” of gun makes a difference. I have several semi-auto rifles, shotguns and hand guns. Not sure that my semi-auto .223 Ruger is any less lethal then my AR-15 “style” rifle. Both have taken down many coyotes all of them just as dead as the next. So again I would love to hear how the “style” contributes to the number of casualties in a mass shooting.
We are only taking guns and mags out of the hands of law abiding citizens. Criminals will always be able to get anything they want legal or not. I would much rather defend my self and family with a 30 round mag when the criminal who is breaking into my house has a 30 round mag. These shootings are taking place in so called “gun fee” zones.
I am a hunter, shooter but above all I am an American. The 2nd amendment gives me the right to keep and bare arms. None of the proposed regulations will make any difference in stopping the mass shootings. We are looking at this the wrong way. We need to look at how we treat our mentally disturbed citizens and how we are desensitizing our youth with video games and movies. IMO
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Re: Good Gun Control Read
01/10/2013 03:20 AM
01/10/2013 03:20 AM
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Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2013 11:14:40 -0800From: Dudley.Brown@nationalgunrights.orgTo: rufussimpson71@msn.comSubject: Joe Biden's anti-gun guarantee
Dear Rufus,
“I guarantee you, we’ll get [gun control] done by the end of January.”
That’s what Vice President Joe Biden told Bloomberg pal and Mayors Against Guns co-founder Thomas Menino during their phone conversation last week . . .
With anti-gun fervor raging in the national media, gun-grabbers are determined to strike while the iron is hot.
You know what’s at stake.
The Feinstein Gun Ban and bans on magazines holding more than ten rounds are two radical measures anti-gun propagandists constantly tout.
Those are bad enough.
But now the Washington Post says President Obama isn’t stopping there and instead will pursue a “broad gun control agenda” with the help of big business.
Already, bailout recipient Bank of America -- just months after loaning President Obama’s reelection campaign $15 million in cash -- has frozen one law-abiding gun maker’s account!
The Obama administration is playing hardball and they’ll use any means necessary to get their way.
So if you and I are serious about protecting our Second Amendment rights, we’re going to have to stand toe-to-toe with the gun-grabbers and fight back with everything we have.
Sadly, I’m not sure the establishment gun lobby is up for the fight.
Rufus, the NRA went silent on Facebook after the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut.
Like many folks, watching a supposed ally run from a fight is bad enough. But watching them cozy up to the enemy is even worse.
The fact is, Politico is now reporting the NRA has accepted a meeting with Biden -- the very man President Obama has tasked with ramming his gun control schemes into law!
Rumors of another “deal” where pro-freedom, pro-gun Americans get sold down the river are getting louder in Washington, D.C.
I hope this isn’t what’s in the works. But you and I have seen it before.
Testifying before Congress in 1999, the NRA’s Executive Vice President said, “We think it’s reasonable to support the federal Gun-Free Zones Act.”
It was this bill -- and anti-gun thinking just like this -- that left the innocents in Newtown, Connecticut unprotected and helpless.
“Gun Free Zone” stickers and tin signs do NOT stop madmen’s bullets.
And if pro-gun Americans won’t stand up to the gun-grabbers and unashamedly shout the truth, who will?
No one. And our Second Amendment rights will get flushed down the toilet.
I don’t know about you, but I’m not about to stand by while that happens.
But the NRA has already said they’d cave on a new “mental health database.”
If passed, this bill could leave anyone who has ever gone to counseling -- including military veterans who’ve admitted stress upon returning from war -- stripped of their Second Amendment rights.
Will they continue to auction off our gun rights behind closed-door meetings with Joe Biden?
What else will their new “deal” include?
An “assault weapons ban” with some “reasonable improvements” over the Feinstein Gun Ban?
A ban on magazines holding over ten rounds?
The outright elimination of private sales and transfers -- banning fathers from passing down guns to their sons?
Expanded federal background checks and databases of gun owners?
I hope none of this happens.
But as the NRA’s phony friendships get exposed for what they are, I expect things to get worse.
After all, they gave Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid nearly $5,000 of their members’ cash to go along with an “A” rating in 2010.
Now he’s twisting the arms of U.S. Senators to stay in line for Obama’s anti-gun schemes.
Democrats Mark Warner, Bob Casey and Joe Manchin all received high marks from the NRA, and are now also jumping off the bandwagon, as well.
None of these Democrats were ever pro-gun to begin with.
Campaign cash and inflated ratings might buy you fair-weather friends in Washington, D.C.
And the Obama administration will gladly sit down with you right before they stab you in the back.
But that’s not going to get the job done.
I’m not interested in making friends.
I’m not interested in wining and dining anti-gun politicians with your money just because they say “I support the Second Amendment, but . . . ”
You know what "but . . . " means.
I’m interested in mobilizing gun owners across the country into an iron fist President Obama and his anti-gun pals FEAR because you and I are more than willing to inflict political pain when necessary.
You and I can do that by simply telling the truth about our elected officials.
When politicians’ anti-gun views and records are exposed before the American people -– not some whitewashed version -- they go down in flames as the ballot box.
And that’s something politicians fear more than anything else.
But Rufus, the stakes are higher than ever for our gun rights.
The fights are coming fast.
Re: Good Gun Control Read
01/10/2013 07:59 AM
01/10/2013 07:59 AM
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They should all meet and read the constitution and the bill or rights, have a nice lunch and call it a day.
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