Originally posted by jjas:
What's so wrong with sportsmen/women hunting for meat, enjoying sunsets on stand, or taking that buck of a lifetime if he happens to walk by? While you choose to live deer hunting 365 days a year, love to hunt big bucks, scoring racks and record books...not everyone that hunts deer is that way.

Deer hunting is many things to many people and that's why I supported the 2nd proposal. And while you just can't seem to grasp why people don't "see" things "your" way, I'm just the opposite. I get your obsession and I try to understand the more casual hunter as well.

In the end, I just don't think your obsession should trump other peoples opportunities to hunt with a firearm in November or enjoy the new crossbow regs during the archery season if they so choose.
Quote of the year from jjas.......and now I'm going to shed some light on "his type"....

You bet....there is NOTHING wrong with people meat hunting, enjoying a sunset......or taking a buck of a lifetime. And as you look over my posts.....you will NOT see me pulling people down for wanting to enjoy those aspects of hunting, or shooting dinks, or just being able to take a doe....etc, etc, etc. But you WILL see jjas "types" attempting to "pull down" those that like "quality" in their hunts......you will see jjas pulling down those IDNR regs that keep "quality" in the hunts......you will see jjas enjoying those that take a "buck in a lifetime" ...as long as they don't do it too often, and consistently year after year....LOL!!! You will see jjas types wrecking the IDNR's first proposal to get to their selfish agenda of crossbows passed in the second choice that our IDNR was forced to come up with.........while I submitted my final feedback to blend both Prop #1 and Prop #2 to ensure quality and quantity issues were BOTH addressed. JJAS has my feedback on such....and won't tell you that part.....go figure. He has what I submitted as my final request to the NRC but doesn't want the world to know how selfish jjas was in the end....while others were trying to compromise. Typical Woody....

And now jjas wants you to all think he's still "God Status" because he picked the "right" agenda of crossbows, and "ravage the deer herd #'s, and worry about quality some other day"... LOL!!

My agenda is simple......address Quality and Quantity at the same time. Be positive about those that want to shoot for meat, dinks, does, and Monster Bucks. There is NO wrong way to hunt...and there is no "interest" that is bad.......but having Quality Bucks #'s go up so others get a shot on ANY property they hunt....not just properties like mine.....that is my wish for everyone. And that they get to enjoy that EVERY year......on EVERY property........and DON'T have to lease or travel out of state to get that opp.

But jjas doesn't want that for you......for MANY reasons......even though he travels out of Indiana to lease for Big Bucks. He doesn't care what is left in Indiana for quality since he doesn't have anything here at home that is worth managing for such.......so to H E L L with the idea for anyone else to enjoy that either. He also voted ANIMATELY against the One Buck Rule....again, not wanting anything Quality left in this state. That's how the jjas's see it.......that's the jjas method of thinking.......that's the jjas kool-aid that he got you to swallow.......and that's that message he wants you to believe right now, as he taunts..."the next 5 years won't be so bad".......LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

And you've got the likes of Brew's in this world that rescue the jjas types... that don't want 32+ days of gun season to end since their trucking job duties may conflict with a change in that "gun schedule" to just hunt bucks...........and you've also got the Delaney/Hanes types that post often that they don't even care about deer hunting, and attempt to rescue the jjas types. All the while straight up telling every one of you in here....."They don't care about deer hunting".....but they want you to listen to them and their ideas of what they don't care about.

.......and try EVERY DAY to ravage Indiana away from managing for Quantity and Quality ....as other states all around us have found a way to do EXACTLY that. And doing it SO WELL...that jjas pays to go to those states, thumbing his nose at those that are left behind in this mess here.....that he HELPED create!!!

Comical......and Pathetic.......and makes me ill you all have to see this happen.

And now worse due to a few NRC brass trumping what the IDNR wanted as their first choice in 2011. Yep......that's where this all started......and that's where it all lays.......still as the responsibility of what those NRC brass did. And they know who they are......

........and so do we.

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