Originally posted by Bryan78:

This is all about egos nothing more, nothing less.

This is about what you want vs what someone else may want.

What is hilarious is when the "Einsteins" railroaded the IDNR in guiding our regs towards Prop #1..........it all the sudden turned into "What I Want" running the show instead of the IDNR running the show. The "Einsteins" got what they wanted........but also laid the permanent path for "What I Want" to forever be our new "drum beat" for future regs.

The Einsteins showed the world that "What I Want" can trump the IDNR. And now they are crying that their game they used may not get them what they want every time.........and the pipeline is endless for "What I Want" now from all sorts of groups.

The "What I Want" Einsteins now are calling it "payback". LOL!!!

The bed they got a few to crawl into is now coming full circle.......and now the MAJORITY is jumping on the train of "What I Want" that the Einsteins made.

Accountability in the end for what we create can be quite the "Ice Queen" cant it......

Enjoy the ride..........much more to come.........

Site Administrator

"Never argue with an idiot.....they will beat you with experience every time"