Originally posted by Scarlett Dew:
What cracks me up are the "Einsteins" [Linked Image] that say the so called "MAJORITY" got what they wanted in Proposal #2" that was adopted.........and that the State just listens to the "MAJORITY".....and that the average hunter was represented well with the Prop #2 changes by those claiming victory for the MAJORITY and "Joe Six Pack" hunter......

Well......if the MAJORITY was represented by the States adoption of Prop #2, and the State just listens to "Joe Six Pack" which represents the MAJORITY......

........who's to blame now.


Ain't it a wonderful bed a few made for ya'll that led you to believe you were on the "right path" just to get crossbows with Prop #2, and throw out the ideas of those that supposedly were not representing the MAJORITY (but really were), and were representing what the IDNR wanted as their first choice with Prop #1......

You boyz ain't seen NOTHIN' yet.

Talk about winning a "battle" but losing a "war"......LOL!!!!

My favorite thing in life is watching how ACCOUNTABILITY gets played out EVERY TIME......and who starts squirmin' when it raises it's JUSTICE head..... wink
Ain't life GREAT..... :rolleyes: ... Long Live the OBR cool

Guardian Of The One Buck Rule & Gunseason
"Some people just need a good *** whoopin. It keeps the planets aligned"