I have a 4 and a 6 yr. old and am in the same boat. To me, and I'm not saying you can't do both, but introducing the video games first seems like a backward approach to me. My older nephews have those games and they are more about "killing" and not "hunting". I took my then 3 yr. old last year in a blind. We focused on being still and watching the woods "wake up" after about 20 min. He had a blast seeing the squirrels and birds come close. He lasted about an hour and was able to see a couple does. I didn't take a bow as I don't personally think it's appropriate for a kid that young to see kill shots as it may desensitize him and I'd like for him to develop a respect for the life that is took. Just my two cents. Why didn't I take my 6 yr old? He couldn't have cared less last year and told me he didn't want sit still that long. This year he is totally intent on going.