Originally posted by maddogmech:
Had a great weekend hunting with Bow, but to no avail, we could not produce a yote. We throwed every call we knew at them, even had one site baited with some meat scraps.
With 50+ mph winds and on Saturday we had fog so thick in Shelbyville you couldn't see 80 to 100 yrd's and it didn't lift till about 9:30am
We did see one dog later on Saturday chasing 5 deer out of a patch of woods at about 90 mph.

27 dogs were checked in
1st place with 6
4 way tie for 2nd with 3 ea. Ties are broken by weight of ea teams dogs
and a 2 way tie for 3rd
Big dog was 46#.

My apologizes Justin I didn't see your question till now.

2 tournaments within the last 2 months, one out in Knightstown and the other in Rockville
The one in Knightstown had 19 teams with 27 dogs checked in.
The one in Rockville Teams unknown but 76 dogs were checked in, the winning team had 14 dogs if I remember right.

I have a few pics that I will post in a couple days.
That is either either some guys that are REALLY good at calling coyotes, or they have TONs of them that are not pressured. 14 coyotes!!! WOW!