Monday night we got home from a 4H meeting and saw a coyote out in the field. Turned out that it was heading for a dead goat somebody pitched out in front of our woods. We went up to the house, grabbed a shotgun, loaded it with some turkey shells, and went down there to kill it. Of course, my luck, it was completely dark outside (9:30 PM) and I could barely see a thing. All of a sudden I see the coyote going at full speed at about 40 yards away. I aimed and shot. This morning the goat was gone so I figured the coyote had come back later on and got it which means I probably didn't hit it. Though I might share my story and see if there were any good tips to kill that coyote.

"The more I live, the more I learn. The more I learn, the more I realize, the less I know."