Originally posted by Allegiance:
Good ole Varmit Al's Web site. That is one of the first places I went to read about hunting coyotes. I still have some of the calls from there that I downloaded onto my ipod device.

The siren sounds worked great when I played them though a Radio Shack Amphlier and loud speaker.

In fact I'm going to use the Radio Shack Outdoor 50 Watt Speaker with my FoxPro FX3 caller the next time I go out. I found out today that I can get a lot more volume out of the external outdoor 50 wat speaker than I can with the one's built into the FX3 caller. And I think that the sounds are better using the external speaker. The only thing that's bad is that I have to carry one more thing out into the field to make a stand. Every thing adds up in weight and bulk and makes carrying everything into the field harder.

