I was concerned about the negative posts on this, so I went back and re-read everything. We all want to be supportive here, but I think you need a big dose of humility. We can all forgive you for the first one. The thing that bothers me is you proceeded to take a 38 yd quartering away shot when "waiting is a luxury". If waiting is a luxury, you shouldn't be doing it. You also stated rack size didn't matter, then proceeded to say "hopefully the rut brings some more big boys in". If your grandfather and father are worthy people, they should be just as impressed if you decided to take a step back and wait for a good doe broadside. This would show way more maturity and courage. When Bear, Pope&Young are talked about, the animals they killed are barely mentioned. What's talked about is their character and their influence on conservation and hunting. Someday at your funeral, no one will mention your racks on the wall or the amount of money you made, just the type of person you were. That's what I hope you learn from this.