Wow! I think the young man is doing exactly what should be done. He is looking to one of the best groups or forums for Indiana. He is asking and getting great advice. If the antis are reading this forum there is enough ammo proving that everyone is trying to educate not only him but the rest that are wondering the same but may be to afraid to ask. There is enough fire power on here to move the antis right out if need be. If you have hunted long enough you have lost a deer part of the game. Bow or gun. If not then like I said you haven't been at it long enough no one is perfect. I applaud family for having the backbone to even ask and admit. I'm also sure there will be plenty more great advice come thru! You learn as you go. Always give those animals time to expire if you think you have waited long enough wait another hour very difficult but owe it to our game. My toughest was letting my first pope set over night even tho I seen back feet kick and swore I heard him crash but it was a tough quartering shot. Just. Happened so fast 8 yards 20 ft up. So I let him set heard dogs barking land owner beggin we go look NO i said 10 times. Turned out he was right were I heard crash 2 ft from someone else's stand lol. But familyT,take in all advice keep your head up and don't give up bow hunting! Those are some of the best times in woods. Practice a lot at several different angles sitting standing everything you can think of. I'm originally from Hamilton co know what you mean about houses so get em while you can! If the antis want to chat with this bunch let em! Good luck and may your next arrow find its mark!

Rip some lips and shoot some sticks