Hey Weed/Brew i would hope you are not bashing the guy for trying to get advise on losing a deer by complaining about hearing about a wounded deer story b/c wounded deer are part of hunting for EVERYBODY. if your not bashing and/or complaining then sorry for reading out of context.

As far as the deer goes, a liver hit deer needs more than an hour..i'd say more like 6 minimum and 8 to be safe. I know a lot of guys like Rages but I will never use anything other than fixed blades. (G5 Strikers). I lost a doe with a Rage 4 years ago b/c it didnt expand and my buddy shot a 150+ last year with a Rage after I told him bad idea and lost him with a lung/liver shot. If you want a pass through Rage is not what you want. I would widdle my own broadhead before i use Rage. If you think/know the buck is dead you should keep looking. if you dont you'll always wonder "What if i kept looking"...trust me i've done it