Well dangit SS, laugh going to have to try squared off loop in a couple of my fence sets where I've had refusals. Now that I look at it, if the hole is square, maybe the circle or teardrop loop inside the square is what tips them off. Most of my sets are "crawl unders" where the top of the loop is above the actual hole, and the bottom of the loop is on the ground. They really can't see it. I was afraid of the sharper bend holding up the lock.

I'm with you on everything else. The shorter the leash, the better. That also "engages" the lock quicker as the cable comes tight, making for a better neck catch. Having the spring wire hanger TIGHT on the wire hanger where the cable cannot slip is must…..for the same reason. It gets the lock moving in the right direction quicker.

I know its not possible snaring in open trails like you do, but I try to make it a point to anchor off as high as I can get it. for the same reasons in the paragraph above.

I am NOT of big fan of the spring wire snare supports….those things give me fits getting them tight. But thats just me. I bought some clear, flexible, tubing that I have been using. I like it a lot better, and it does hold tight….